Via Popilia

Via Popilia

The Via Popilia is either of two different ancient Roman roads begun in the consulship of Publius Popilius Laenas, who was better known for his attack on the Gracchi. The other consul for that year, 132 BC, was Publius Rupilius. The first road was an extension of the Via Flaminia from Ariminum around the north of the Adriatic through the region that later became Venice. The name of this road continues as a street name in modern Rimini, which, as Ariminum, was the junction point between the Via Flaminia from Rome, the Via Aemilia along the edge of the Po valley, and the northern Via Popilia. The second ran from Capua to Rhegium on the Straits of Messina. An archaeological discovery of part of its itinerarium engraved on stone (The Polla Tablet) brought it more fully into the light of history.

Roman bridges

:"For an overview of the location of Roman bridges, see List of Roman bridges".

There are the remains of at least one Roman bridge along the road, which is the Ponte sul Savuto.

See also

*Roman road
*Roman bridge
*Roman engineering

External links

* [ The Polla Tablet]

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