1776 in literature

1776 in literature


* The United States issues its Declaration of Independence on July 4.

New books

* Elizabeth Griffith - "The Story of Lady Juliana Harley"
* Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi - "Edward Allwill's Briefsammlung"
* Ignacy Krasicki - "The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom (Mikołaja Doświadczyńskiego przypadki)" (first novel in Polish)
* Samuel Jackson Pratt as "Courtney Melmoth" - "The Pupil of Pleasure"

New drama

* Hannah Cowley - "The Runaway"
* Samuel Foote - "The Bankrupt"
*Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - "Stella"
*Friedrich Maximilian Klinger - "Sturm und Drang"
*Heinrich Leopold Wagner - "Die Kindermörderin"


* James Beattie - "Poems"
* Richard Graves - "Euphrosyne"
* William Mickle - "The Lusiad"
* Hannah More - "Sir Eldred of the Bower, and The Bleeding Rock"
* Jonathan Richardson - "Morning Thoughts"
* John Scott - "Amwell"
* Augustus Montague Toplady - "Psalms and Hymns"
* William Whitehead - "Variety"


* John Adams - "Thoughts on Government"
* James Beattie - "Essays"
* Jeremy Bentham - "Fragment on Government"
* Charles Burney - "A General History of Music"
* George Campbell - "The Philosophy of Rhetoric"
* David Dalrymple - "Annals of Scotland"
* Edward Gibbon - "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", volume 1
* Oliver Goldsmith - "A Survey of Experimental Philosophy"
* Sir John Hawkins - "A General History of the Science and Practice of Music"
* David Herd - "Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs"
* Soame Jenyns - "A View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion"
* Thomas Paine
**"Common Sense"
**"The American Crisis"
* Richard Price - "Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty"
* Adam Smith - "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"


* January 24 - E T A Hoffman
* February 12 - Richard Mant
* November 20 - William Blackwood


* April 29 - Edward Wortley Montagu, travel writer
* May 23 - Jeanne Julie Eleonore de Lespinasse, "Mademoiselle de Lespinasse"
* David Hume

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