Secondary deviance

Secondary deviance

Secondary deviance is a stage in a theory of deviant identity formation. Lemert (1967) [Lemert, Edwin. 1967. "Human Deviance, Social Problems and Social Control". Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall] conceptualized primary deviance as engaging in the initial act of deviance and then posited secondary deviance as the stage in which one internalizes a deviant identity by integrating it into their self-concept.

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*Deviant behavior

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  • secondary deviance — Sociol. deviant behavior that results from being publicly labeled as deviant and treated as an outsider. Cf. primary deviance. * * * …   Universalium

  • secondary deviance — Sociol. deviant behavior that results from being publicly labeled as deviant and treated as an outsider. Cf. primary deviance …   Useful english dictionary

  • primary and secondary deviance — Introduced by Edwin Lemert in his Social Pathology (1951), the distinction is central to labelling theory. Primary deviance refers to differentiation which is relatively insignificant, marginal, and fleeting; secondary deviance is pivotal,… …   Dictionary of sociology

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  • Primary deviance — is the first stage in a theory of deviant identity formation. Lemert (1967) [Lemert, Edwin. 1967. Human Deviance, Social Problems and Social Control . Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall] conceptualized primary deviance as engaging in the initial …   Wikipedia

  • primary deviance — Sociol. the violation of a norm or rule that does not result in the violator s being stigmatized as deviant. Cf. secondary deviance. * * * …   Universalium

  • primary deviance — Sociol. the violation of a norm or rule that does not result in the violator s being stigmatized as deviant. Cf. secondary deviance …   Useful english dictionary

  • ВТОРИЧНАЯ ДЕВИАЦИЯ, или ВТОРИЧНОЕ ОТКЛОНЕНИЕ — (secondary deviance or secondary deviation) процесс, в ходе которого после акта первичной девиации индивидуум принимает девиантную идентичность (Лемерт, 1961). Это предполагает реконструкцию Я с точки зрения позиций, чувств и культурной или… …   Большой толковый социологический словарь

  • labelling — labelling, labelling theory Labelling theory was a major thrust of the sceptical revolution in the sociology of deviance during the 1950s and 1960s. The orthodox criminology of the immediate post war period, both in Britain and America, treated a …   Dictionary of sociology

  • List of sociology topics — This is a list of topics covered in sociology. This is a shorter list: List of basic sociology topics. NOTOC A absolute poverty achieved status acid rain acute disease adaptation Adultism affect control theory affirmative action affluent… …   Wikipedia

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