


In French cuisine, a quiche (IPA: IPA| [ki:ʃ] ) is a baked dish that is made primarily of eggs and milk or cream in a pastry crust. Other ingredients such as cooked chopped meat, vegetables, or cheese are often added to the egg mixture before the quiche is baked.

Quiche Lorraine is perhaps the most common variety. In addition to the eggs and cream, it includes bacon or lardons. Cheese is "not" an ingredient of the original Lorraine recipe, as Julia Child informed Americans: "The classic "quiche Lorraine" contains heavy cream, eggs and bacon, no cheese." [Julia Child, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" (New York: Knopf) 1967 p 147.]

The word "quiche" is derived from the Lorraine Franconian dialect of the German language historically spoken in much of the region, where German Kuchen, "cake", was altered first to "küche". Typical Allemanic changes unrounded the ü and shifted the palatal "ch" to the spirant "sh", resulting in "kische", which in standard French orthography became spelled quiche [ Online Etymology Dictionary http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=quiche&searchmode=none] .

ee also

*List of egg dishes
*Real Men Don't Eat Quiche


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