Art fabrication

Art fabrication

Art fabrication is a process or service relating to the production of large or technically difficult artworks.

When a lone artist or designer is incapable or chooses not to realize the creation of his or her own design or conception, he or she may enlist the assistance of an art fabrication studio. Typically, an art fabrication studio has access to the resources, specialized machinery, and labor necessary to execute particularly complex projects.

"Art fabrication" should not be confused with the term "fabricated sculpture" which refers to a sculpture (usually metal) whose component parts are shaped (usually through bending), and then assembled by way of fasteners or welds (as opposed to a sculpture created through casting).

Another art fabricator is Smith of Derby. Drawing upon their precision engineering skills developed through clockmaking Smith of Derby have worked with Marianne Forrest and Wolfgang & Heron. Many of the art fabrications have been designed around the theme of time, but more of the features they are becoming involved with kinetic art (due to their knowledge in sustained and reliable movement from clockmaking), as well as more 'traditional' static sculptural public art features.

External links

* [,6903,497037,00.html Some day my plinth will come] - "The Guardian", 27 May, 2001. This article about the production of a sculpture by Rachel Whiteread includes rare - for the mainstream press - details of the involvement of an art fabricator in the production of work.
* [ Mike Smith Studio]
* [ Smith of Derby]
* [ Marianne Forrest]
* [ Wolfgang & Heron]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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