Eli Pariser

Eli Pariser

Eli Pariser (born December 17, 1980 in Lincolnville, Maine) is Executive Director of MoveOn.org.

Pariser's rise to prominence as a political activist began when he and college student David H. Pickering launched an online petition calling for a nonmilitary response to the attacks of September 11th. In less than a month, half a million people had signed the petition and in November of that year, Moveon.org founders Wes Boyd and Joan Blades asked Pariser to join their organization.cite news|url = http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D02E5D61F3CF93AA35750C0A9659C8B63|title = Smart-Mobbing The War|publisher = The New York Times Magazine|last = Packer|first = George|authorlink = George Packer|date = 2003-03-09|accessdate = 2008-03-28]

During the 2004 US Presidential Election, Pariser co-created the "Bush in 30 Seconds" ad contest and raised over $30 million from small donors to run ads and back Democratic and progressive candidates. Writing for "The New York Times Magazine" in 2003, journalist George Packer referred to MoveOn as the "mainstream" element of what "may be the fastest-growing protest movement in American history."


*cite news|title = Virtual Peacenik|publisher = Mother Jones|last = Markels|first = Alex|url = http://www.motherjones.com/news/hellraiser/2003/05/ma_379_01.html|date = May/June 2003|accessdate = 2007-05-01


External links

* [http://www.moveon.org/ MoveOn.org]
* [http://dir.salon.com/story/news/wire/2004/12/09/moveon/index.html MoveOn to Democratic Party: "we own it"] By Sam Hananel Salon.com Dec 9, 2004 "In the last year, grass-roots contributors like us gave more than $300 million to the Kerry campaign and the DNC, and proved that the party doesn't need corporate cash to be competitive... Now it's our party: we bought it, we own it, and we're going to take it back." - Eli Pariser

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