

Name = KV48
Location = East Valley of the Kings
Date = January 1906
Owner = Amenemopet called Pairy
Excavated = Edward R. Ayrton

Tomb KV48, is located in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt. It contained the burial of the noble Amenemopet called Pairy.

The tomb lay near KV35, the tomb of Amenhotep II, and was entered by a shaft that leads to a small chamber containing a destroyed burial of the eighteenth dynasty. The floor was covered in limestone chips and broken objects which included a mud seal from a papyrus and shattered coffin fragments.

The unwrapped and broken mummy of the owner of the tomb was found with three inscribed mud bricks and a number of ushabti giving the name of the tomb owner as Amenemopet.

External links

* [http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/sites/browse_tomb_862.html Theban Mapping Project: KV48] - Includes detailed maps of most of the tombs.

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