

name = Komokiacea
domain = Eukaryota
regnum = Rhizaria
phylum = Foraminifera
ordo = Allogromiida
superfamilia = Komokiacea
superfamilia_authority = Tendal & Hessler 1977

subdivision_ranks = Families
subdivision = Komokiidae
BaculellidaeThe Komokiacea are a small group of amoeboid protozoa, usually considered foraminiferans, though this is questionable. They form branching pseudopods which collect food and debris, and the latter is cemented together to form a branching test, with multiple openings but no true chambers. Komokiacea are mostly reported from deep sea environments, and are still poorly known.


* cite journal | author = Tendal, O.S., and R.R. Hessler
title = An introduction to the biology and systematics of the Komokiacea (Textulariina, Foraminiferida)
journal = Galathea Report
year = 1977 | volume = 14 | pages = 165–194

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