Frontal assault

Frontal assault

The military tactic of frontal assault is a direct, hostile movement of forces towards enemy forces in a large number, in an attempt to overwhelm the enemy. This is often referred to as a "suicide strike," because it is often a commander's last resort when he has run out of strategies.

Before the 19th century, a frontal assault against a thin line could be effective when conducted by horse cavalry. However, as the accuracy and range of firearms increased, this procedure proved increasingly suicidal. Cavalry charges against deeply-regimented infantry formations were also frequently repulsed as exemplified by the Battle of the Golden Spurs in Flanders in 1302.

As an example, this style of combat was used heavily in the American Civil War. The type of militaries used as well as the terrain lent themselves to direct frontal assault, and most of the battles of the Civil War were fought in this manner. However, this style of combat was rapidly becoming out-classed due to the increased accuracy of rifles. Near the end of the war, the failed Pickett's Charge demonstrated just how disastrous frontal assaults against fortified positions could be.

Frontal assaults were also the cause of massive casualties in the trench warfare of World War I. In many cases, frontal assaults were made by thousands of men towards trenches defended by machine gun emplacements, artillery and barbed wire with predictable and tragic results.

Battles with Notably Successful Frontal Assaults

*Battle of Bunker Hill - after two failed attempts British army succeeds in capturing heights
*Battle of Chattanooga - Union army storms Missionary Ridge after flank attacks are stalled
*Battle of Pea Ridge - Union army routes Confederate forces in a frontal assault on the second day
*Battle of Spotsylvania - Union army captures "Mule Shoe Salient"

Battles with Notably Unsuccessful Frontal Assaults

*Battle of Gettysburg - Pickett's Charge aims at the Union center and is repulsed
*Battle of Fredericksburg - Union army fails to take Marye's Heights
*Siege of Vicksburg - failure of frontal assaults force Grant into siege operations

ee also

* Military science
* Rush (computer and video games)

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