

BeatrIX is a GNU/Linux operating system. A live CD based Linux distribution started by Steven Watsky, it was designed to look very simple, in order to be as accessible as possible to new users. A new BeatrIX desktop has just four icons (e-mail, instant messaging, word processing and web browser). Hence, anyone who has some computer experience will be able to use BeatrIX.

BeatrIX is a small operating system, taking up only 200MB. The live CD fits into 80 mm discs that can store up to 184 MB of data (this form factor has also been called "CD3", since it is about three inches across).

BeatrIX uses Linux 2.6.7 and GNOME 2.8 as its GUI desktop. It comes equipped with productivity tools such as 1.1.2, Mozilla Firefox (version 1.0) web browser, Gaim (version 1.0), etc.

BeatrIX has been discontinued since 2005. Another distro called BeaFanatIX is using the code of BeatrIX and continuing development.

See also

External links

* [ Softpedia BeatrIX Linux]
* [ BeaFanatIX home page]
* [ Download BeatriX]

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