Global Internet usage

Global Internet usage

This article provides information relating to the number of people who use the Internet by language, nationality, geography, etc.

Total number of Internet users

As of July 2008, approximately 1,463,632,361 people worldwide use the Internet, according to [ Internet World Stats] .

Languages used on the Internet

The most-used language on the Internet is English. Although the total number of native English speakers in the world is about 322 million, English is spoken as a second language by up to 1.2 billion people around the world. They make their contributions to the Internet in their own language as well as in English.

Chinese is the most spoken native language on Earth, and the second language on the Internet. The Chinese population online is increasing at a high rate; this is expected to have a great impact on the Internet in the near future.

Notably absent from the table below is Hindi, the most widely spoken language in India, the second most populated country in the world. This is due to preference for English among most users having Internet access. The Indian population online is also increasing at a high rate; this is also expected to have a great impact on the Internet in the near future.

The figures in the table below were taken from Global Reach [ [ Global Reach (now unavailable)] ; see the [ last version] (Sep 30, 2004) at the Internet Archive.] . These are estimates, for September 2004, of the world online population per language.

As of 2008 by Internet World Stats

ee also

*English in computer science
*List of Wikipedias


External links

* [ Internet Top Ten Languages]
* [ Estimation of English and non-English Language Use on the WWW, 2000] , web pages, 32 latin character languages
* [ World Internet statistics analysis]
* [ World GDP by Language]
* [ Internet Users Map 2005]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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