- Aquarii
Aquarii is a name given to the
Christian s who substitutedwater forwine in theEucharist . It is claimed that the practice widely in vogue at an early time, even among the orthodoxFact|date=February 2007Catholics consider the substitution an act of
heresy . In Greek they were called "Hydroparastatae", or those who offer water.Theodosius I , in his edict of 382, classes them as a special sect with theManicheans , who also eschewed wine.Etymology
"Aquarii" is considered a misspelling associated with Aquarians, as it has another meaning — "Slaves who carried water for bathing into the women's apartments" [http://www.chlt.org/sandbox/perseus/harper/page.978.a.php] . Other terms used in reference to the Aquarians include the "
Encratites " "("the Abstinent") and "Ebionites .See also
Aquarian External links
* [http://www.cathtruth.com/centuries/2ndcent.htm Triumph of the Church] from "Catholic Truth Publications"
* [http://www.catholicapologetics.net/apolo_48.htm False Religious Denominations Throughout History] from "Traditional Catholic Apologetics"
* [http://www.artotyrite.org/Host2.htm Material of the Host]
* [http://www.catholicism.org/br-andre-mystical-body.html The Church, The Mystical Body] from "Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary"
* [http://www.bible.ca/history/philip-schaff/2_ch11.htm#_ednref138 History of the Christian Church: Heresies of the Ante-Nicene Age] from theInteractive Bible
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01660d.htm Aquarians] -Catholic Encyclopedia article
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