

Family name
name = Bengtsson bengts for short

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meaning = "son of Bengt"
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language = Swedish
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Bengtsson is Swedish family name originating in a patronymic, meaning "son of Bengt". The name is sometimes written Bengtson (a form frequently adopted by migrants to the United States). Other forms occur, such as "Bengtzon", Bankson or "Benktsson".

Bengtsson is the 15th most common surname in Sweden.


People commonly known by their family name Bengtsson or variants include:

*Frans G. Bengtsson, Swedish author
*Rolf-Göran Bengtsson, Swedish horse rider and Swedish Silver Medalist in Individual Jumping at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
*"Erik Bengtson", Brazilian software developer
*"Hermann Bengtson", German historian and former rector of the University of Würzburg
*John Bengtson, U.S. linguist
*Phil Bengtson, U.S. American football player
*"Vern L. Bengtson", U.S. gereontologist and sociologist
*"Jes Lund Bengtsson", Danish business man
*"Tim Bengtson", U.S. Journalism Professor
*"Paul F. Bengtson", U.S. Urban Planning professional
*"Julie N Bengtsson", UK. Does our adverts who married -
*"Stefan L Bengtsson", UK. Born in Sweden 1974 moved to UK 2000. Accountant

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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