

Millinery refers to hats and other articles sold by a milliner to women, or the profession or business of designing, making, or selling hats, dresses, and hat trim to women. Women would ask a milliner to remake their old clothing into new clothing. A milliner is a hatter who designs, makes, sells or trims hats and dresses. Customers would visit a millinery shop to look at and to buy clothes (children's clothing, shirts, undergarments and caps, for example) Millinery, if taken in a more general sense, also means any accoutrements that are functionally unnecessary, such as a garnish on a dish, or the extra cuff-buttons on a man's dress jacket.

Many famous early designers began in millinery including Coco Chanel, Halston, Rose Bertin and Jeanne Lanvin. Philip Treacy, Prudence Millinery, Stephen Jones are good examples of modern milliners.

The origin of the name is likely the Middle English "Milener", as in an inhabitant of Milan or one who deals in items from Milan. (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition)

Womens fascinators also come under millinery. The use of feathers, materials, beads, pearls and crystals to make extravagant to petite fascinators for brides, weddings, christenings, ladies day at the horse races and many other glamorous occasions.

External Links

* [ All Sewn Up: Millinery, Dressmaking, Clothing and Costume]
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  • Millinery — Mil li*ner*y, n. 1. The articles made or sold by milliners, as headdresses, hats or bonnets, laces, ribbons, and the like. [1913 Webster] 2. The business of work of a milliner. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • millinery — (n.) 1670s; see MILLINER (Cf. milliner) + Y (Cf. y) (1) …   Etymology dictionary

  • millinery — [mil′i ner΄ē] n. [< MILLINER + ERY] 1. women s hats, headdresses, etc. 2. the work or business of a milliner …   English World dictionary

  • Millinery —    The word millinery is used to describe women s hats. A person who makes women s hats is known as a milliner; the term hat maker refers to a person who makes men s hats. The derivation of the word comes from sixteenth century Italy: merchants… …   Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry

  • millinery — [[t]mɪ̱lɪnəri, AM neri[/t]] N UNCOUNT: oft N n Millinery is used to refer to women s hats. [FORMAL] ...her aunt s modest millinery shop …   English dictionary

  • millinery — milliner ► NOUN ▪ a person who makes or sells women s hats. DERIVATIVES millinery noun. ORIGIN from the name of the Italian city Milan, originally meaning «native of Milan», later «a vendor of fancy goods from Milan» …   English terms dictionary

  • Millinery designer —    This is a person who designs and creates hats for women. Knowledge of patternmaking, cutting, fabrics, trimmings, sourcing, sketching, and hat construction techniques is a must.    See also Millinery …   Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry

  • millinery — noun Date: 1676 1. women s apparel for the head 2. the business or work of a milliner …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • millinery — /mil euh ner ee, neuh ree/, n. 1. women s hats and other articles made or sold by milliners. 2. the business or trade of a milliner. [1670 80; MILLINER + Y3] * * * …   Universalium

  • millinery — noun /mˈɪlnəɹˌi/ a) Womens hats. b) A shop with womens hats …   Wiktionary

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