Ypogeia Revmata

Ypogeia Revmata

Infobox musical artist |
Name = Ypogeia Revmata
Landscape = no

Img_capt =
Background = group_or_band
Origin = flagicon|Greece Athens, Greece
Genre = Rock
Greek rock
Alternative rock
Progressive rock
Hard rock
Blues rock
Years_active = 1992 - present
Label = FM

Ypogeia Revmata (Greek: Υπόγεια Ρεύματα, English: Underground Currents) is a Greek rock band.


The history of Ypogeia Revmata starts in 1992, when a company of musicians and classmates at the same time from Kallithea, Athens, Greece started playing their own songs. At that time, Grigoris, Kostas, Giannis and Panagiotis had rented a place at Psirri, Athens in order to make comfortably their performances. When Kostas started working at Melodia FM, he met the manager Dimitris Hatzopoulos, and that is when Mitsos joined the band. In 1993, manager Dimitris Hatzopoulos takes a demo of the band to Έβδομη Διάσταση (Evdomi Diastasi, Seventh Dimension) label and Ypogeia Revmata start recording their first album.

In 1994, the band, after deciding their permanent name, make their first appearrance in Greek discography with their first album 'Ο Μάγος Κοιτάζει την Πόλη' (O Magos Koitazei tin Poli, The Magician is Looking at the City). The sound of Ypogeia Revmata does not have anything new to offer to the rock scene, but their songs have fun, humor, catchy melodies and rhythm and lyrics written without any complex. From that album comes their classic hit 'Μ'αρέσει να μη Λεω Πολλά' (M'aresei na mi Leo Polla, I Like not Saying Much). That year, they make their first concert at 'Metro', which overwhelms with crowd.

In 1995, Markos joins the band and they release their second album 'Παραλογές' (Paraloges. Paralogs), a little more "inflexible", but closer to the sound they wanted to approach. Kostas is in charge of remixing and sound recording, who later is going to be a member of the band.

In summer 1996, they recorded their live concert at 'Theatro Vrahon' with their new drummer Vasilis, who before releasing their third album 'Live στο Θέατρο Βράχων' (Live at Theatro Vrahon) - which marks the end of an era - loses his life in a car accident. After that tragic event, Kostas and Giannis leave the band.

In 1997, the remaining members release the darkest album of the band 'Τσαλακωμένες Μέρες' (Tsalakomenes Meres, Creased Days). The missing members are replaced by Iraklis and Kostas - the sound recorder from 'Παραλογές'. Despite that, the band participates that year in the live performance of Giorgos Ntalaras at 'Ιερά Οδός' (Iera Odos), where they sing two of their songs: 'Μ'αρέσει να μη Λέω Πολλά' and 'Ασημένια Σφήκα' (Asimenia Sfika, Silver Wasp).

In 1998, their next work 'Εικόνες στα Σύννεφα' (Eikones sta Synnefa, Images in the Clouds) is followed, obviously better than their previous, but missing their early freshness. They cover the song 'Θαλασσογραφία' (Thalassografia, Seagraphy), which is sung by Eleni Tsaligopoulou and is included in an album with song covers of Dionisis Savvopoulos. Mitsos and Iraklis leave the band, while the other members continue participating in other albums, giving songs to artists and doing concerts in many cities.

In 1999, after Kostas's departure, a new member, Nikiforos, joins the band. During that year, they start recording their sixth album 'Μικρά που Είναι τα Όνειρα' (Mikra pou Einai ta Oneira, How Small Dreams Are).

After a lot of work, the album was released in 2000 including 13 new songs. During the next two years, Ypogeia Revmata sign the music of several theatrical plays, do concerts and cooperate with many other artists and bands.

In 2003 the band experienced a lot of changes in formation. Markos, Panagiotis and Nikiforos leave the band, while Tasos, Marios, Apostolis and Kostas - one of the foundation members of the group - replace them. Before the year ends, Kostas leaves again the band.

For the next years, with Grigoris (guitar, vocals) being the only remaining member from the start, Tasos (drums, vocals), Marios (keyboards, vocals) and Apostolis (bass, guitar, accordeon, vocals), Ypogeia Revmata do a lot of concerts all over Greece, covering their older songs and trying live their new material.

In 2007, after six years of absence from discography, Ypogeia Revmata return with their new album 'Νέα Μέρα' (Nea Mera, New Day), a title that marks the new age of the band. The band shows a different sound and composition from the usual, mixing rock and lyrical elements and emphasising in poetic lyrics. This new album startled many, as it has a lot of foreign elements.


Ο Μάγος Κοιτάζει την Πόλη (O Magos Koitazei tin Poli, The Wizard is Looking at the City)

*Label: MBI
*Format: CD 1
*Release Date: 1994


*Μ' Αρέσει να μη Λέω Πολλά (M'Aresei na mi Leo Polla, I Like not Saying Much)
*Ειρωνικόν (Eironokon, Ironic)
*Κοιτάς Μακριά (Koitas Makria, You Look Far Away)
*Σαν Φως (San Fos, Like Light)
*Ανδρείκελα (Andreikela)
*Κινέζικο Πορτραίτο (Kineziko Portraito, Chinese Portrait)
*Βροχή (Vrohi, Rain)
*Πολιτεύεσαι (Politeuesai)
*Νύχτα (Nyhta, Night)
*Όνειρα Σιλικόνης (Oneira Silikonis, Silicone Dreams)
*Μεσημέρι (Mesimeri, Midday)
*Νατάσσα (Natassa)

Παραλογές (Paraloges, Paralogs)

*Label: FM
*Format: CD 1
*Release Date: 1995


*Σαν Έρημα Καράβια (San Erima Karavia, Like Isolated Ships)
*Κυριακή (Kyriaki, Sunday)
*Ασημένια Σφήκα (Asimenia Sfika, Silver Wasp)
*Ο Όρθος των Ψυχών (O Orthos ton Psihon, The Orth of Souls)
*Χάρτινες Λέξεις (Hartines Lexeis, Paper Words)
*Ύμνος 414 (Ymnos 414, Hymn 414)
*Νανούρισμα (Nanourisma, Lullaby)
*Σεπτέμβρης (Septemvris, September)
*Στο Ύψος των Ματιών Μου (Sto Ypsos ton Mation Mou, At the Hight of My Eyes)
*Ο Μάγος Κοιτάζει Την Πόλη
*Μπλε Αλυσίδες (Mple Alysides, Blue Chains)

Live στο Θέατρο Βράχων (Live at Theatro Vrahon)

*Label: FM
*Format: CD 1
*Release Date: 1996


*Μπλε Αλυσίδες
*Χάρτινες Λέξεις
*Σαν Φως
*Κοιτάς Μακριά
*Σαν Έρημα Καράβια
*Μ'Αρέσει να Μη Λέω Πολλά
*Ασημένια Σφήκα
*Φέτα (Feta)
*Πολικός (Polikos, Polar)
*Μωρό Μου Στάσου να Σου Πω (Moro Mou Stasou na Sou Po, My Baby Wait to Tell You)

Τσαλακωμένες Μέρες (Tsalakomenes Meres, Creased Days)

*Label: FM
*Format: CD 1
*Release Date: 1998


*Στιγμή (Stigmi, Moment)
*Καινούρια Σελήνη (Kainouria Selini, New Moon)
*Πως Πονάει Ένα Χάδι (Pos Ponaei Ena Hadi, How much a Stroke Hurts)
*Μπορεί να Μοιάζεις (Mporei na Moiazeis, You Might Resemble)
*Τσαλακωμένες Μέρες
*Άδειο Μυστικό (Adeio Mystiko, Empty Secret)
*Μια Φυλακή (Mia Fylaki, A Prison)
*Η Κοιλιά της Σιωπής (I Koilia tis Siopis, The Abdomen of Silence)
*Φωνές (Fones, Voices)
*Αγέρας Δραπέτης (Aeras Drapetis, Escapee Wind)

Εικόνες στα Σύννεφα (Eikones sta Synnefa, Images in the Clouds)

*Label: FM
*Format: CD 1
*Release Date: 1999


*Μικρές Χαμένες Μέρες (Mikres Hamenes Meres, Short Lost Days)
*Ανέμη (Anemi)
*Δεν Με Νοιάζει (Den Me Noizei, I Don't Care)
*Να Γελάς (Na Gelas, Laugh)
*Φεύγεις Μακριά (Feugeis Makria, You Leave Far Away)
*Μικρά Μυστικά (Mikra Mystika, Little Secrets)
*Πολύμνια (Polymnia)
*Εικόνες στα Σύννεφα
*Μαρία (Maria, Mary)
*Άλλη Μια Φορά (Alli Mia Fora, One More Time)
*Θα Με Βρεις Εδώ Ξανά (Tha Me Vreis Edo Xana, You'll Find Me Here Again)
*Παιδικό (Paidiko, For Kids)
*Θα Μ'Αγαπάω (Tha M'Agapao, I'll Love Me)
*Ανάσα Που Σβήνει (Anasa Pou Sveinei, Breath That Fades)

Μικρά Που 'Ναι Τα Όνειρα (Mikra Pou 'Nai ta Oneira, How Small Dreams Are)

*Label: Warner
*Format: CD 1
*Release Date: 2002


*Πάντα Θα Είμαι (Panta Tha Eimai, I'll Always Be)
*Είμαι Μια Σκέψη (Eimai Mia Skepsi, I Am A Thought)
*Άγνωστοι Δρόμοι, Χωρίς Γυρισμό (Agnostoi Dromoi Horis Gyrismo, Unknown Roads Without Return)
*Θέλω να Χάσω τον Εαυτό Μου (Thelo Na Haso ton Eauto Mou, I Want to Lose Myself)
*Μαύρες Γραμμές (Maures Grames, Black Lines)
*Για Μια Περήφανη Στιγμή (Gia Mia Perifani Stigmi, For A Pround Moment)
*Κακή Φωτιά (Kaki Fotia, Bad Fire)
*Ένα Φεγγαρι Του Χειμώνα (Ena Feggari tou Heimona, A Moon of Winter)
*Μικρά Που 'Ναι Τα Όνειρα
*Το Παράσιτο (To Parasito, The Parasite)
*Τι Να'Ναι Αυτό (Ti na 'Nai Auto, What Could it Be)
*Ανάμεσε στον Καιρό (Anamesa ston Kairo, Between the Weather)
*Σε Περιμένω (Se Perimeno, I'm Waiting for You)

Νέα Μέρα (Nea Mera, New Day)

*Label: Impact/Legend
*Format: CD 1
*Release Date: 2007


*Το Τρένο (To Treno, The Train)
*Σταγόνα (Stagona, Drop)
*Νέα Μέρα
*Παραστάσεις Ι (Parastaseis I)
*Ονειρεύομαι (Oneireuomai ,I'm Dreaming)
*Παράξενη Κοπέλα (Paraxeni Kopela, Strange Girl)
*Πάλι Εγώ (Pali Ego, Me Again)
*Ωραίο Mάθημα στα Xαμένα Παιδιά (Oraio Mathima sta Hamena Paidia, Nice Lesson to the Lost Children)
*Τ' Aστέρια (Ta Asteria, The Stars)
*"Μικρή" Aγγελία (Mikri Aggelia, Small Add)
*Δεν Aκούς (Den Akous, You're not Listening)
*Σίσυφος (Sisyfos)
*Παραστάσεις ΙΙ (Parastaseis II)
*Ανακοπή (Anakopi)

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