- Robert Priharjo
Robert Priharjo (born in
1966 inKlaten ,Indonesia ) is awriter , andlecturer on topics related tonursing andhealth care in his home country. Prijarjo was a pioneer of nursing books in theIndonesian language .Biography
After completed his diploma in nursing, he was employed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Departemen Kesehatan RI) and worked as a lecturer for Academy of Nursing and some private nursing academies in
Yogyakarta . He completed his English diploma fromSanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta. In 1991 under the scholarship fromthe World Bank and the Indonesian Ministry of Health, he went toCanada to study ‘medical surgical nursing’ atLambton College inSarnia, Ontario with other Indonesian lecturers.Robert completed his degree in nursing from the University of Indonesia (
Universitas Indonesia ) in 1996 and although he was approached by some senior lecturers to work for the university, he decided to return back to Yogyakarta where he continued to work as a lecturer for Academy of Nursing andGadjah Mada University . In 1998 Robert moved toManchester to start his MSc in nursing studies from theUniversity of Manchester Bibliography
*Priharjo R (1997) "Physical Assessment for Nurses (Pengkajian Fisik Keperawatan) " Jakarta: EGC ISBN 979-448-239-0.
*Priharjo R (1997) "Drugs administration: Basic techniques for nurses (Teknik Dasar Pemberian Obat bagi Perawat) " Jakarta: EGC ISBN 979-448-229-3
*Priharjo R (1995) "Nursing Ethics (Pengantar Etika Keperawatan) " Yogyakarta: Kanisius ISBN 979-497-489-7.
*Priharjo R (1987) " Professional Nursing Practice: conceptual framework and law (Praktik Keperawatan Profesional) " Jakarta: EGC ISBN 979-448-301-X
*Priharjo R (1987) "Pain management (Perawatan Nyeri, Pemenuhan Aktifitas dan Istirahat Pasien) " Jakarta: EGC ISBN 979-448-200-5.
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