

Starbox begin
Starbox image

caption=The position of Achernar.
Starbox observe
ra=01h 37m 42.8s
dec=−57° 14' 12"
Starbox character
class=B3 Vpe
variable=Lambda Eridani
Starbox astrometry
Starbox detail
age=1–5 × 108
rotation=225–300 km/s
luminosity=3,311(bolometric) | temperature=14,510
Starbox catalog
names=α Eri, HR 472, CD -57°334, HD 10144, SAO 232481, FK5 54, HIP 7588.

Achernar (α Eri / α Eridani / Alpha Eridani), sometimes spelled Achenar, is the brightest star in the constellation Eridanus and the eighth-brightest star in the nighttime sky. It lies at the southern tip of the constellation.

Achernar is a bright, blue B-type star of six to eight solar masses lying approximately convert|144|ly|pc|abbr=off|lk=on away. Although classified as a main-sequence (dwarf) star, it is about 3,000 times more luminous than the Sun. Achernar is in the deep southern sky and never rises above 33°N. Achernar is best seen from the southern hemisphere in November; it is circumpolar below 33°S.

Until about March 2000, Achernar and Fomalhaut were the two first-magnitude stars furthest in angular distance from any other first-magnitude star in the celestial sphere. Antares, in the constellation of Scorpius, is now the most isolated first-magnitude star.

It is the least spherical star in the Milky Way studied to date. Achernar spins so rapidly that its equatorial diameter is more than 50% greater than its polar diameter.

The name comes from the Arabic _ar. آخر النهر " _ar. ākhir an-nahr" "river's end".

It is known as _zh. 水委一 (" _zh. Shuǐwěiyī", the First Star of the Crooked Running Water) in Chinese.


* Achernar in fiction

External links

* [ Achernar at]
* [ Achernar at]
* [ Surface temperature and synthetic spectral energy distributions for rotationally deformed stars]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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