

Gigsville started as a village at Burning Man in 1998. The villages were an experiment in experiencing community in smaller settings within the larger context of Black Rock City. However, some very strong bonds grew within that community, allowing the growth of a larger entity which has stood the tests of time. The village numbered more than four hundred people at the 2007 Burn.


Even in terms of the venerable age of Burning Man itself, Gigsville has a long tradition and history behind it. The year 2007 marked the village's tenth year on the playa. The village's populace are part of a strong off-playa community who stay in close touch throughout the year. Though the village was originally comprised of Los Angeles citizens with a large branch in San Francisco, time has seen other Gigsville communities sprout and grow in cities across the United States. Washington D.C. Chicago. Seattle, Houston, and Austin. There are Canadian and European Gigsvillains as well. In California especially this community is able to frequently gather throughout the calendar year - although some of the more important village holidays - such as New Years (which they affectionately call "Twigsville") - can see people travel internationally to attend.


As a village, Gigsville has tried to embrace a philosophy of Do-ocracy. Explained quite simply, this is a philosophy of leading by not leading. If a villager has a project they would like to accomplish, they just go and do it. If others like this project idea, they will contribute their efforts and energy as well. By avoiding aggressive rule imposition, Gigsville attempts to let the bond of common respect allow them to organically achieve cohesion.Gigsville is self-selecting and has been from its inception.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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