

Atimia was a form of disenfranchisement used under classical Athenian democracy. A person who was made "atimos", literally without honour or value, was unable to carry out the political functions of a citizen. He could not attend assembly meetings, serve as a juror in Heliaia or bring actions before the courts.

Being barred from assembly would effectively end a citizen's political ambition. Not being able to use the courts to defend oneself against enemies could be crippling socially. On a more humble level, atimia meant the loss of the small income that jury service and attendance at the assembly provided, which could be significant for poor people unable to work. Such political activity was no doubt also significant psychologically as well.

"Atimia" could be inflicted as a penalty by the courts, but it was also automatically imposed if a debt to the state was unpaid after a certain time, for instance if someone was unable to pay a fine. There was no upper limit on the fines courts could impose and they could well be larger than a person's entire estate. Just as this debt was inheritable, so was the status. In one lawcase a son is defending his disenfranchised father before the father dies and he himself loses his rights.

Failure to abide by "atimia" was seen as an attack on the power of the people represented by the courts that had passed it. If someone chose to prosecute another before the courts for failing to comply with "atimia" it could lead to the death penalty.


*"Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes", Mogens Hansen (Oxford 1991)

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