Fornax Cluster

Fornax Cluster

Galaxy cluster
name = Fornax Cluster

caption = NGC 1399 galaxy by HST; 2.76′ view
Credit: NASA/STScI/WikiSky]
epoch = J2000
ra = 3h 38mcite web
title=NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
work=Results for Fornax Cluster
dec = -35° 27′
constellation = Fornax
member_no = 58
brightest_member =
other_names = NGC 1399 Group, Abell S0373, LGG 96

At a distance of approximately 62.0±|5.9|5.5 Mly (19.0±|1.8|1.7 Mpc),citation
last1 = Georgiev
first1 = Iskren Y.
last2 = Hilker
first2 = Michael
last3 = Puzia
first3 = Thomas H.
last4 = Chanamé
first4 = Julio
last5 = Mieske
first5 = Steffen
last6 = Goudfrooij
first6 = Paul
last7 = Reisenegger
first7 = Andreas
last8 = Infante
first8 = Leopoldo
date = June 2006
year = 2006
journal = Astronomy and Astrophysics
volume = 452
issue = 1
pages = 141–153
title = The old globular cluster system of the dIrr galaxy NGC 1427A in the Fornax cluster
url =
doi = 10.1051/0004-6361:20064880
] the Fornax Cluster is the second richest cluster of galaxies within 100 million light-years, although it is much smaller than the Virgo Cluster. It lies primarily in the constellation Fornax, and may be associated with the nearby Eridanus Group. Although small as clusters of galaxies go, the Fornax Cluster is a valuable source of information about the evolution of such clusters, showing the effects of a merger of a subgroup with the main group,cite web
title=Hubble Heritage Project
work=Dwarf Irregulars and Galaxy Clusters
] which in turn lends clues about the associated galactic superstructure.cite web
title=Chandra X-Ray Observatory
work= Fornax Cluster: Motions of Nearby Galaxy Cluster Reveal Presence of Hidden Superstructure
] At the centre of the cluster lies NGC 1399. Other cluster members include: NGC 1427A and NGC 1404.

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