- Nezavisne novine
Nezavisne novine (English: Independent Newspaper) is a daily newspaper based in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Prime Minister of the Republika Srpska entity, Milorad Dodik, provided some of funding for the launch of the newspaper. It was the first newspaper in Republika Srpska to publish articles about Serb war crimes. The paper also focuses on corruption and embezzlement. This may have led to the founder and owner, Željko Kopanja, being targeted by a car bomb which took his legs.
Željko Kopanja in an interview following the attack [1]:
I think that the Serbian people do not deserve to carry this burden because of the individuals who committed crimes in the name of the people. I do not allow anyone to commit war crimes in my name or in the name of my people, nor does anyone have the right to do that. Therefore, we opened the "Koricani" case in our newspaper, about the crimes of individuals from the Serbian police who killed 250 Bosniaks.
We believed and we still believe that Bosnia-Herzegovina can be a happy country with three constituent nations where people will live for life, not for death.
After Milorad Dodik came to power and organized his mafia-style web over Republika Srpska entity Željko Kopanja become his personal journalist. Beside his personal journalist Dodik has his personal gardner Janjetović - Tamaris, personal IT guy Nešo - Lanaco, personal construction contractor Stanković - Integral, Integra etc. All these guys are getting public contracts financed from Republika Srpska entity budget. The boss Milorad Dodik has percentage from every contract. Mr. Zeljko supports this crime organization with his Nezavisne newspaper which are nothing more than Dodik's bulletin. Also Dodik provided Zeljko with possibility to buy one of the oldest newspaper in Bosnia, Glas Srpske. From this deal Zeljko got properties in downtown of capital city Banja Luka and Dodik got business space for his company Zekstra in exclusive location Veselin Masleša Street (Gospodska). Beside this Glas Srpske also become Dodik's bulletin. Also Dodik's criminal government gave hundreds of thousands Euros of public money from Republika Srpska entity budget to the Nezavisne and Glas Srpske as donation and help to printed media.
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National and regional newspapers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Daily newspapers Weekly newsmagazines This Bosnia and Herzegovina newspaper-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.