- Sabagadis
Subagadis (baptismal name "Za-Manfas Qedus"; c. 1770 - 1831) was a
Dejazmach or governor of Tigray, aprovince in northernEthiopia . He was the son of Shum Waldu ofAgame , and a member of theIrob people .Sebagadis gained some notoriety in the 1800s for rebelling a number of times against his overlord, Ras
Wolde Selassie . But just before the death of Wolde Selassie it seems that he made up with his master and became one of his loyal lieutenants. Following Wolde Selassie's death in 1816, he defied the authority of Wolde Selassie's son, and became the most powerful warlord in Tigray. MakingAdigrat his capital, he ruled Tigray, Semien, and a small strip of the coastal plains of Eritrea by 1818. [Richard K.P. Pankhurst, "History of Ethiopian Towns" (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1982), vol. 1 p. 210.] His rule also extended to the Eritrean highlands (Hamasien ,Akele Guzay , andSeraye ). [Coulbeaux, Jean-Baptiste, "Histoire Politique et Religieuse d’Abyssinie: Depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu’à l’avènement de Ménélik II", 3 vols. (Paris, Geuthner, 1928), pp.381-382.]Dejazmach Subagadis believed that firearms were vital to neutralize the power of the
Oromo cavalry, so he devoted much time and effort to both collecting them, and seeking European help in buying them; this included seeking British help -- or at least permission -- to capture the port ofMassawa . As a consequence, Subagadis was one of the first Ethiopians to attempt building peaceful relationships with other countries in modern times. As a result of these things, by the 1820s he was seen both in Europe -- and in Ethiopia -- as the champion ofChristianity . ["Nuovi documenti", p. 376 ; Abba Tekla Haimanont: "Abouna Yacob", Paris, 1914, p.91 ]Several of his letters have survived. One to the
Patriarch of Alexandria Peter complains of the behavior ofAbuna Qerellos, sarcastically asking, "Was it because you hated Ethiopia that you sent him? Did you not know his conduct before, [and] so you sent him?" Another one is addressed to King George IV ofGreat Britain , asking for "one hundred cavalrymen, a carpenter, [and] a church builder who will build the way [you do] in your country". [All three are translated with facsimiles of the original text in Sven Rubenson (editor), "Correspondence and Treaties (1800-1854)" (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1987), pp. 24-9.] Subagadis maintained constant communication with the most important Christian lords in Ethiopia. Building upon his reputation, he formed a coalition with the warlords of Gojjam, Lasta and Semien against RasMarye of Yejju . Ras Marye was anOromo , a Muslim, and a perceived threat to the northern populations. Marye defeated Dejazmach Goshu in Gojjam, marched the bulk of his army toLasta , then quickly turned to Semien Province and attackedWube Haile Maryam . Subagadis watched the battle on the border of Lasta, and subsequently did not come to the aid of Wube. Wube preferred to submit to Marye rather than have to face him alone. Marye decided to put an end to the Tigrayan threat. At the head of Oromo contingents fromWollo ,Yejju ,Begemder and Amhara, and now (forcibly) supported by the armies of Wube and Goshu, Marye advanced beyond theTekezé River into Tigray. [Paul B. Henze, "Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia" (New York: Palgrave, 2000), p. 123.]The armies of Dejazmach Subagadis and Ras Marye met on the
14 February , 1831 and theBattle of Debre Abbay began. Although the Tigrayans had by far the greater number of firearms, the matchlockmen were poorly employed and the Oromo cavalry won the field after a bloody fight. Ras Subagadis would surrender only to Ras Wube, his son-in-law. Wube dutifully handed him over to Marye's followers. On the 15th of February they beat Dejazmach Hagos Subagadis to death, and executed Subagadis in retaliation for Marye's death. [Mordechai Abir, "The Era of the Princes: the Challenge of Islam and the Re-unification of the Christian empire, 1769-1855" (London: Longmans, 1968), p. 35.]Subagadis was survived by two sons:
Aregawi , (the father of RasSebhat Aregawi ), who continued to rule inAgame ; andWolde Mikael . [Genealogical information provided courtesy by the board of the "Association for the Preservation Of Ras Sebhat" Adigrat, Ethiopia.] A number of other children are claimed for him: Kassa, Balgada-Ar'aya (who rebelled against Wube and his older brother Wolde Mikaelin in 1838, and was defeated by them), and several daughters includingDinqinash , who was married by her father to Wube three years before the Battle of Debre Abbay. [Pankhurst, pp. 212f.]Nearly a year after his death, although he was a Tigrayan, people all over the Amhara provinces lamented Subagadis:
Alas! Sabagadis, the friend of all,
Has fallen at Daga Shaha, by the hand of [W] ubeshat!
Alas! Sabagadis, the pillar of the poor,
Has fallen at Daga Shaha, weltering in his blood!
The people of this country, will they find it a good thing
To eat ears of corn which have grown in the blood?
Who will remember [St] Michael of November [to give alms] ?
Mariam, with five thousand Gallas, had killed him
[him, i.e., who remembered to give alms] :
For the half of a loaf, for a cup of wine,
The friend of the Christians has fallen at Daga Shaha. [Quoted in Samuel Gobat, "Journal of Three years' Residnce in Abyssinia", 1851 (New York: Negro Universities Press, 1969), p. 401]Sabagadis' bones were carried to the monastery of
Gunde Gunde , where he was buried at his request with his "face towards the sea"; because, as a modern interpretation says, of "his love forEritrea ", and his belief that the access to the sea was vital for Tigray.Fact|date=February 2007Notes
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