

ProSpace is a nonprofit citizens Space advocacy group that focuses on opening the space frontier for all individuals. [ ProSpace [ About ProSpace] ]

Every year in March many of the group's members travel to Washington, D.C. for an event called "March Storm." Annually, these members speak to the congressional leaders and push initiatives that will lead to the opening space for the average citizen. One such initiative is expanding the use of prize competitions that would spur space innovations [Space News [ Space Groups Lobby Congress] Retrieved on May 24, 2007] and the creation of a National Space Prize Board (NSPB).

ProSpace helped push the passage of space-related legislative initiatives, among those includes the Commercial Space Act of 1998, space solar power programs, and technology development for the reusable launch system. [Constellation Services International Management Team [ Charles E. Miller] Retrieved on May 24, 2007]


ee also

*National Space Society
*Space colonization
*Space Frontier Foundation
*Vision for Space Exploration

External links

* [ Official Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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