

Condonance may be made when an accuser has previously forgiven or condoned (in some way or at some level supported) the act about which they are complaining. In some legal jurisdictions, and for certain behaviors, it may prevent the accuser from prevailing.

For example, if a creditor states that they forgive a certain debt, they might be blocked (or estopped) from attempting to collect that debt later. They would not be blocked from collecting any other debts, however. Condonation may also be a defense in cases of dismissal from employment for cause where the employer by word or conduct forgives or impliedly forgives behavior which would otherwise justify dismissal without notice.

On the other hand, condonation is irrelevant to some acts. For example, some jurisdictions prohibit fighting by consent (other than in specially-sanctioned sports, such as boxing). In such a jurisdiction, people arrested for brawling cannot avoid prosecution by condoning one other's assaults.

See also

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  • condonation — con·do·na·tion /ˌkän də nā shən/ n [Medieval Latin condonatio remission, pardon, from Latin condonare to give away, absolve]: voluntary overlooking or pardon of an offense; specif: express or implied and usu. conditional forgiveness of a spouse s …   Law dictionary

  • Condonation — Con do*na tion, n. [L. condonatio a giving away.] 1. The act of condoning or pardoning. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) Forgiveness, either express or implied, by a husband of his wife or by a wife of her husband, for a breach of marital duty, as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • condonation — 1620s, from L. condonationem (mon. condonatio) a giving away, noun of action from condonare (see CONDONE (Cf. condone)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • condonation — [kän΄də nā′shən] n. [L condonatio < pp. of CONDONE] the act of condoning, esp. of implying forgiveness by overlooking an offense …   English World dictionary

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  • condonation — /kondaneyshan/ The conditional remission or forgiveness, by means of continuance or resumption of marital cohabitation, by one of the married parties, of a known matrimonial offense committed by the other, that would constitute a cause of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • condonation — /kon doh nay sheuhn/, n. the act of condoning; the overlooking or implied forgiving of an offense. Also, condonance /keuhn doh neuhns/. [1615 25; < NL condonation (s. of condonatio), L: a giving away, equiv. to condonat(us) (ptp. of condonare;… …   Universalium

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  • condonation — noun Date: 1625 implied pardon of an offense by treating the offender as if it had not been committed …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • condonation — noun a) The condoning of an offence b) The forgiveness of matrimonial infidelity …   Wiktionary

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