Acacia pulchella

Acacia pulchella

color = lightgreen
name = Prickly Moses
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Fabales
familia = Fabaceae
genus = "Acacia"
species = "A. pulchella"
binomial = "Acacia pulchella"
binomial_authority = R.Br.

"Acacia pulchella", commonly known as prickly moses, is a shrub in the family Fabaceae. Endemic to Western Australia, it is one of the most common shrubs of the bushland around Perth and in the Darling Range.

Prickly moses is one of only a small number of "Acacia" species to have true leaves, rather than phyllodes. It has feathery, bipinnate leaves with leaflets up to 5 mm long. At the base of each leaf is one or two spines. The flower heads are bright yellow and spherical, with a diameter of up to 1 cm. It flowers in late winter and early spring.

The name "prickly moses" is said to be a corruption of "prickly mimosa".

Recent research suggests that "A. pulchella" may in some circumstances suppress the plant pathogen "Phytophthora cinnamomi". ["Western Wildlife", West Australian Dept. of Environment and Conservation, Vol. 10 No. 4, Oct. 2006 (reporting an unpublished PhD thesis, Jayasekera, Aruni, Murdoch University, Western Australia)]

There are four recognised varieties:
* "A. p." var. "glaberrima"
* "A. p." var. "goadbyi"
* "A. p." var. "pulchella"
* "A. p." var. "reflexa"


External links

*Flora of Australia Online|name=Acacia pulchella|id=1497
*FloraBase | name = Acacia pulchella | id = 3502

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