

Coordinates: 51°30′8″N 3°54′26.1″E / 51.50222°N 3.90725°E / 51.50222; 3.90725 (CyberBunker) CyberBunker is a former military nuclear warfare bunker that is currently utilized as a data-center [1].

During the Cold War, NATO maintained top secret hardened facilities all over western Europe. In 1955 a large command bunker was constructed just outside the small town of Kloetinge in the south of the Netherlands. The facility was designed to house 72 people in case of a nuclear attack and was used as a NATO Radio Base Band Relay Station, and for local espionage and counter-espionage. The facility comprises tunnels and operations rooms on four levels, one above ground designed as a decontamination area and three underground, with 5-meter-thick reinforced concrete outer walls designed to withstand a 20-megaton nuclear blast at 5 kilometers. All that is visible from the main gate of the facility is a parking lot and a remote controlled gate with a surveillance camera.

In 1996 NATO decommissioned the facility and all furnishings and equipment were removed. The bunker was sold in 1996 and became a datacenter in 1998 with the name "CyberBunker".


Facility specifications

  • Hardened biometric-protected doors
  • Emergency generators with enough fuel to operate the facility for 10 years.
  • Nuclear/Biological/Chemical (NBC) air filtration and airlocks.
  • Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) shielding.
  • Unknown number of backup diesel generators.
  • 10,000 liter water tank plus an additional 240,000 liters of water stored externally.
  • shock-mounting isolation pads.
  • indoor swimming pool

Involvement with Spammers

In October, 2011, Spamhaus identified CyberBunker as providing hosting for spammers and contacted their upstream provided, A2B, demanding service be cancelled.

A2B initially refused, blocking only a single IP address linked to spamming. Spamhaus retaliated by blacklisting all of A2B address space. A2B capitulated, dropping CyberBunker, but then filed complaints with the Dutch police against Spamhaus for extortion.[2][3]


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External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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