Daoine maite

Daoine maite

Daoine maithe is Gaelic for "the good people", which is a popular term used to refer to the fairies in Irish folklore. They are generally human like though there are exceptions such as the Puca or Mermaid. The defining features of the Irish fairies are their supernatural abilities and their temperament. If treated with respect and kindness, Irish fairies can be quite benevolent; however, if they are mistreated the will react cruelly.


Due to the oral nature of Irish folklore the exact origins of the fairies is not well defined. There are stories enough to support two possible origins. The fairies could either be fallen angels or the descendants of the Tuatha Dé Danann. cite book
last = Yeates
first = W. B.
year = 1977
title = Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland
publisher = Collin Smythe Gerrards Cross
location = Buckinghamshire
id = ISBN 0-900675-59-4

Fallen Angels

It is said that the fairies are angels who have fallen from heaven, but whose sins were not great enough to warrant hell.cite book
last = Croker
first = T. Crofton
editor = Thomas Wright
year = 2001
title = Fairy Legends and the Traditions of the South of Ireland
publisher = Scholars' Facsimilies & Reprints
location = Ann Arbor
id = ISBN 0-8201-1535-5
] During the War of Heaven there were angels who refused to take either God's or Lucifer's side. For their lack of action they were banished from heaven. Some of them fell on to Ireland, some fell into the sea and some fell into hell. Fact|date=February 2007

Tuatha Dé Danann

The Tuatha Dé Danann were magical beings who occupied Ireland prior to the current inhabitants, the Milesians. A war was waged between these two groups for control of the island. In the end a truce was reached which gave the Milesians ownership of the land of Ireland and the Tuatha De Danan the ownership of the area below the land of Ireland.

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  • Daoine Maite —    They are the fairies from contemporary Irish folklore. The literal translation is the good folk …   The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology

  • Aos Sí — Sidhe redirects here. For other uses, see Sidhe (disambiguation). The aos sí (Irish pronunciation: [iːs ˈʃiː], older form aes sídhe [eːs ˈʃiːə]) are a supernatural race in Irish mythology comparable to the fairies or elves. They are said to… …   Wikipedia

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