Trato hecho (US)

Trato hecho (US)

Infobox Television
show_name = Trato hecho

caption =
format = Game show
camera =
runtime = 25-30 min.
creator = Monty Hall
executive_producer =
starring =Guillermo Huesca
narrated =
country = flagicon|United States United States
rating = TV-PG
network = Univision
first_aired = January 10, 2005
last_aired = December 1, 2005
website =
imdb_id =
tv_com_id =

"Trato hecho" is the Spanish-language version of the Hatos-Hall game show, "Let's Make a Deal". The show was produced in Spain and in Mexico; in addition, a version was recently produced in Los Angeles, California for the "Univisión" television network.

Univisión version

The show lasted from January 10 to December 1, 2005. The host for this version was Guillermo Huesca, with an uncredited model referred to solely as "la bella Elizabeth" ("the lovely Elizabeth", in English game show vernacular). In addition, several male actors, referred to as "los Tratochicos" ("the Deal Guys"), assisted with some deals and "modeled" some of the prizes and zonks.

Gameplay proceeded in the exact manner as the English-speaking version, with the same wide range of deals. Contestants vied to improve their winnings without ending up with a "chasco" ("disappointment"), a booby prize equivalent to the "zonks" on "Let's Make a Deal". Usually a trade was completed with the idiom "Trato hecho, jamás deshecho" ("A deal made is never broken.")

The budget for this version was quite small compared to the English speaking version of the show. Few (if any) cars were offered, and the value of the Big Deal ("el gran trato") usually ranged from $3,000 to $6,000. However, a few nighttime specials of "Trato hecho" were produced with a heftier budget; the Big Deal could be worth up to $26,000 on these episodes.

External links

* [ "Trato hecho" at]
* [ "Let's Make a Deal" worldwide" at]
* [ Univision webpage] (in Spanish)

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