List of telenovelas

List of telenovelas


* "099 Central"
* "22, El Loco" ("22, Crazy")
* "90-60-90 Modelos" ("90-60-90 Models")
* "Alas, Poder y Pasión" ("Wings, Power and Passion")
* "Alen, Luz de Luna" ("Alen, Moonlight")
* "Alma Pirata" ("Pirate Soul")
* "Amarte Así" ("To love you this way")
* "Amigos son los Amigos" ("Friends Will Be Friends")
* "Amor Latino" ("Latin Love")
* "Amor Mío" ("My Love")
* "Amor Prohibido" ("Banned Love")
* "Amor Sagrado" ("Sacred Love")
* "Andrea Celeste"
* "Antonella"
* "Atraccionx4 ("Attraction to the 4th Power")
* "Buenos Vecinos" ("Good Neighbors")
* "Cabecita" ("Little Head")
* "Campeones de la Vida" ("Champions of the Life")
* "Cara Bonita" ("Cute Face")
* "Carola Casini"
* "Casi Ángeles" ("Almost Angels")
* "Celeste, Siempre Celeste" ("Celeste, Always Celeste")
* "Clave de Sol" ("G-Clef")
* "Collar de Esmeraldas" ("Emerald Necklace")
* "Como Vos y Yo" ("Like You And I")
* "Con Alma de Tango" ("With a Tango-Soul")
* "Corazones de Fuego" ("Hearts of Fire")
* "Cosecharás tu Siembra" ("You Will Harvest Your Sowing")
* "Costumbres Argentinas" ("Argentine Customs")
* "Culpable de Este Amor" ("Guilty of This Love")
* "Dejate Querer" ("Let you Love")
* "Doble Vida" ("Double Life")
* "Dr. Amor" ("Dr. Love")
* "Dulce Ana" ("Sweet Anna")
* "El Día Que Me Quieras" ("The Day That You Love Me")
* "El Refugio (de los Sueños)" ("The Refuge (of the Dreams)")
* "El Sodero de Mi Vida" ("The Soda-Water Salesman of my Life")
* "El Tiempo No Para" ("Time Doesn't Stop")
* "El Último Verano" ("Last Summer")
* "EnAmorArte"
* "Entre el Amor y el Poder" ("Between love and power")
* "Estrellita Mía" ("My Little Star")
* "" ("Franco Buenaventura: Teacher")
* "Frecuencia 04" ("Frequence 04")
* "Gasoleros"
* "Gladiadores de Pompeya" ("Gladiators from Pompeya")
* "Hombre de Mar" ("Sea Man")
* "Hombre de Honor" ("Man of Honor")
* "Ilusiones Compartidas" ("Shared Illusions")
* "Inconquistable Corazón" ("Unconquered Heart")
* "Jesús, el Heredero" ("Jesus, the Heir")
* "Juanita, la Soltera" ("Juanita the unmarried one")
* "Kachorra"
* "La Extraña Dama" ("Strange Lady")
* "Laberinto" ("Labyrinth")
* "Los Buscas de Siempre"
* "Los Cien Días de Ana" ("Anna's One Hundread Days")
* "Los Médicos de Hoy" ("The Doctors of Today")
* "Los Secretos de Papá" ("Dad's secrets")
* "María de Nadie" ("Maria of Nobody")
* "Más Allá del Horizonte" ("Beyond the Horizon")
* "Máximo Corazón" ("Maximum Heart")
* "Media Falta" ("Half Absence")
* "Mía, Sólo Mía" ("Mine, Only Mine")
* "Mil Millones" ("A thousands of Millions")
* "Milady"
* "Montaña Rusa" ("Roller Coaster")
* "Naranja y Media" ("Orange and a Half")
* "PH (Propiedad Horizontal)" ("Horizontal Property")
* "Pasiones" ("Passions")
* "Pensionados" ("Pensioners")
* "Pobre Diabla" ("Poor Devil")
* "Poliladron"
* "Por El Nombre de Dios" ("In The Name of God")
* "Por Siempre Mujercitas" ("For Always Little Ladies")
* "Primer amor (with G.Corrado, Grecia Colmenares)" ("First Love")
* "Princesa" ("Princess")
* "Provócame" ("Provocate Me")
* "Ricos y Famosos" ("Rich and Famous")
* "Rincón de Luz" ("Corner of Light")
* "Sálvame María" ("Save me Maria")
* "Se Dice Amor" ("It's says Love")
* "Señorita Andrea" ("Miss Andrea")
* "Sheik"
* "Soy Gina" ("I'm Gina")
* "Una Familia Especial" ("A Special Family")
* "Verano del 98" ("Summer of the 98")
* "Yago, Pasión Morena" ("Yago, Brown Passion")
* "Zíngara" ("Gypsy Woman")
* "Amándote" ("Loving you")
* "Amor en custodia" ("Love in guard")
* "Chiquititas" ("Tiny angels")
* "Floricienta" ("Flinderella")
* "Grande Pá!" ("Super dad")
* "Los Roldán" ("The Roldans")
* "Luna salvaje ("Wild moon")
* "Montecristo. Un amor, una venganza ("Montecristo. One Love, one revenge")
* "Muñeca brava" ("Wild angel")
* "Nino, las cosas simples de la vida" ("Nino, the simple facts of life")
* "Padre Coraje" ("Brave father John")
* "Papa Corazón" ("Father Heart")
* "Perla negra" ("Black pearl")
* "Rebelde Way" ("Rebel's Way")
* "Resistiré" ("Forever Julia")
* "Son amores" ("Sweethearts")
* "Sos mi vida" ("You are the one")
* "Soy gitano" ("I am a Gypsy")
* "Mujeres de nadie" ("Women of nobody")
* "Socias" ("Partners")
* "Son de fierro" ("They're of iron")
* "Calientes" ("Hot")
* "Lalola"


* "La Fundación ("The Foundation")
* "Las Tres Perfectas Solteras ("The Three Perfect Unmarried")
* "La Última Expedición ("The Last Expedition")
* "La Virgen de las Siete Calles ("The Virgin of the Seven Streets")
* "Luna de Locos ("Moon of crazies")
* "Tierra Adentro


* "Água Viva" ("Living Waters", but the phrase is the Brazilian Portuguese term for jellyfish)
* "Alma Gêmea ("Twin Soul")
* "América (TV series)" (America)
* "Amores e Intrigas " ("Loves and Conflicts")
* "Anjo Mau ("Evil Angel")
* "Antônio Maria" ("Anthony Mary", a double Portuguese name)
* "Aritana"
* "O Astro ("The Star")
* "Baila Comigo" ("Dance With Me")
* "Bandeira Dois" ("Flag Two")
* "A Barba Azul" ("Blue Beard")
* "Barriga de Aluguel" ("Belly for Rent")
* "Beleza Pura" ("Pure Beauty")
* "Belíssima" ("The Beauty")
* "Beto Rockfeller"
* "O Bem-Amado" ("The Well-Loved")
* "Carinhoso" ("Affectionate")
* "Celebridade" ("Celebrity")
* "Chocolate Com Pimenta" ("Chocolate With Pepper")
* "O Clone" ("The Clone")
* "Cobras & Lagartos ("Snakes & Lizards")
* "O Cravo e a Rosa" ("The Carnation and the Rose")
* "Da Cor do Pecado" ("The Color Of Sin")
* "Dance, Dance, Dance (telenovela)" ("Dance, Dance, Dance)
* "Dancin' Days" (In Portuguese, "Dias Dançantes")
* "Desejo Proibido" ("Forbidden Desire")
* "A Deusa Vencida" ("The Vanquished Goddess")
* "Dona Beija"
* "Dona Xepa"
* "Duas Caras" ("Two - Faced")
* "Éramos Seis" ("We Were Six")
* "Escalada" ("The Way Up")
* "Escrava Isaura" ("Isaura, the Slave")
* "O Espigão" ("The Skyscraper")
* "Estúpido Cupido" ("Stupid Cupid")
* "Eterna Magia" ("Eternal Magic")
* "A Favorita" ("The Favourite One")
* "Feijão Maravilha ("Wonderful Bean")
* "Gabriela"
* "A Gata Comeu" ("The Kitty Ate It" -- this a "child language" phrase for explaining the disappearance, or the momentary loss, of something)
* "Guerra dos Sexos" ("War of the Sexes" -- it is about men and women quarreling, not about having sex)
* "Ídolo de Pano" ("Cloth Idol")
* "Os Imigrantes" ("The Immigrants")
* "Irmãos Coragem ("The Brave Brothers")
* "Kananga do Japão" ("The Japan's House")
* "Laços de Família" ("Family Ties")
* "Locomotivas" ("Locomotives" -- this was a 1970s slang for a beautiful woman)
* "Minha Doce Namorada ("My Sweet Girlfriend")
* "As Minas de Prata ("The Silver Mines")
* "O Machão" ("The Macho")
* "Mulheres Apaixonadas" ("Women in Love")
* "Mulheres de Areia" ("Sand Women")
* "Meu Rico Português ("My Rich Portuguese")
* "A Muralha ("The Wall")
* "Ninho da Serpente" ("The Snake's Nest")
* "Nino, o Italianinho" ("Nino, The Italian Boy")
* "Os Ossos do Barão" ("The Bones of the Baron")
* "Páginas da Vida" ("Pages of Life")
* "Pai Herói ("Hero Father")
* "Pantanal
* "Paraíso Tropical" ("Tropical Paradise")
* "Por Amor (telenovela) ("Anything for Love")
* "O Profeta ("The Prophet")
* "Prova de Amor ("Test of Love")
* "A Próxima Vítima" ("The Next Victim")
* "Quatro Por Quatro" ("Four To Four")
* "Que Rei Sou Eu?" ("What King Am I?")
* "Rainha da Sucata" ("Scrap Iron Queen")
* "Redenção" ("Redemption")
* "O Rei do Gado" ("The Cattle King")
* "Roda de Fogo
* "Sangue do Meu Sangue" ("Blood of My Blood")
* "Selva de Pedra" ("Stone Jungle" -- this is the slang for Rio's skyscraper-filled downtown)
* "Senhora do Destino" ("The Landlady of Destiny")
* "Sete Pecados" ("Seven Sins")
* "Sinhá Moça" ("The Young Lady" in broken Portuguese)
* "Sol de Verão" ("Summer Sun")
* "A Sucessora"
* "Terra Nostra" (Italian for "Our Land")
* "Tieta"
* "Vale Tudo" ("Anything Goes)
* "Vereda Tropical" ("The Way of the Tropics")
* "A Viagem ("The Journey")
* "Xica da Silva"
* "Sonho Meu" ("My Dream")
* "Coração de Estudante" ("Student's Heart")
* "A casa das sete mulheres"("the seven women's house")
* "Pão pão, Beijo beijo"(" bread bread, kiss kiss")
* "Hoje é dia de Maria" ("today is Mary's day")
* "Vidas Opostas" ("Opposite Lifes")
* "Luz do Sol" ("Light of Sun")
* "Bicho do Mato"
* "Cidadão Brasileiro" ("Brazilian Citzen")
* "Essas Mulheres" ("Those Women")
* "Alta Estação"
* "Paixões Proibidas" ("Forbidden Loves")
* "Um Só Coração" ("One Only Heart")
* "Mad Maria"
* "JK (telenovela)" ("JK is a mini telenovela which refers to Jucelino Kubistchek's autobiografy, Brazilian President between since 1956 until 1961).
* "Ciranda de Pedra"
* "Amor e Intrigas"
* "Caminhos do Coração"
* "Os Mutantes - Caminhos do Coração"
* "A Favorita
* "Água na Boca"


*"4 et demi..." (4:30)
*"Les Belles histoires des pays d'en haut"
*"Le Coeur a ses raisons" ("Sins of Love"; literally "The Heart Has Its Reasons")
*"Les Dames de coeur"
*"Lance et compte" ("He Shoots, He Scores"; Québécois hockey expression)
*"La famille Plouffe" ("The Plouffe Family")
*"Virginie" ("Virginia")


* "16"
* "17"
* "A todo dar"
* "Adrenalina" ("Adrenaline")
* "Algo está cambiando"
* "Amor a domicilio" ("love to delivery")
* "Amores de Mercado (Chile)" ("Loves from the Market")
* "Angel malo" ("Bad angel")
* "Brujas" ("Witches")
* "Cerro Alegre"
* "Champaña" ("champagne")
* "Destinos Cruzados" ("Crossed Destinies")
* "Don Amor"
* "Estúpido Cupido" ("Stupid Cupid")
* "Fuera de control" ("out of control")
* "Gatas y tuercas" ("tec jacks and nuts")
* "Hippie"
* "Ídolos" ("Idols")
* "Iorana" (rapa nui word of hello)
* "La Fiera" ("The fierce woman")
* "La Madrastra (Chile)" ("The Stepmother")
* "Los Capo" ("The Capos")
* "Los Pincheira" ("The Pincheiras")
* "Los títeres" ("The puppets")
* "Los 30"
* "Machos" ("Macho Men")
* "Mala Conducta"
* "Marrón Glacé"
* "Oro verde" ("Green gold")
* "Pampa Ilusión"
* "Papi Ricky"
* "Playa Salvaje" (Wild beach")
* "Rojo y miel" ("Red and Honey")
* "Romané"
* "Rompecorazón" ("Heart breaker")
* "Rossabella"
* "Semidiós"
* "Floribella"


*"Amor a Mil" ("Forever Love")
*"Amor a la Plancha" ("Love in the Iron Machine")
*"Amores Cruzados" ("Crossed Loves")
*"Azúcar" ("Sugar")
*"Café, con Aroma de Mujer" ("Woman-Scented Coffee")
*"Caballo Viejo" ("Old Horse")
*"Calamar" ("Calamary")
*"Crimen y Castigo ("Crime & Punishment")
*"" ("Criminal: The Road to Insanity)
*"Cuando Quiero Llorar, No Lloro" ("When I Want to Cry, I Don't Cry")...also known as "Los Victorinos"
*"Decisiones" (Decisions)
*"Don Chinche"
*"Ecomoda" (sequel to Betty la Fea)
*"El 0597 está ocupado" ("Room # 0597 is occupied")
*"El Baile de la Vida" (" The Dance of Life")
*"El Círculo" ("The Circle")
*"El Inutil" ("A Useless Person")
*"El Nombre del Amor" ("The Name of Love") (first Colombian soap opera)
*"El Precio del Silencio" ("The Price of Silence")
*"En Cuerpo Ajeno" ("In another person's body")
*"En Los Tacones De Eva" ("On The Heels Of Eva"]
*"Floricienta" Original Version of the Argentine telenovela "Floricienta"
*"Francisco el matématico" ("Francisco the Mathematician")
*"Gallito Ramirez" ("Rooster Ramirez")
*"Garzas al Amanecer" ("Herons at dawn")
*"Hombres" ("Men")
*"Hasta que la plata nos separe" ("Until Money Do Us Part")
*"Juegos Prohibidos" ("Forbbiden Games")
*"Las Aguas Mansas" ("Calm Waters")
*"La Caponera"
*"La Baby-sister" ("The Baby Sister")
*"La Casa de las Dos Palmas" (" The House With Two Palms")
*"La Ciudad Grita" ("Our City Yells")
*"La Costeña y El Cachaco"
*"Los Cuervos" ("The Crows")
*"La Ex" ("The Ex")
*"La Guerra de las Rosas" ("Battle of the Roses")
*"Las Juanas"
*"La Mala Hora" ("Fatal Hour")
*"La Marca del Deseo" ("The Mark of Desire")
*"La Madre" ("The Mother")
*"La Mujer del Presidente" ("The President's Wife")
*"La Mujer en el Espejo" ("Woman in the Mirror")
*"La Otra Mitad del Sol" ("The Other Half of The Sun")
*"Los Perez, somos así" ("We, The Perez Family Are This Way")
*"La Pezuña del Diablo" ("Hoof of the Devil")
*"La Potra Zaina" - ("Filly Chestnut")
*"La Tormenta" ("Storm")
*"La viuda de blanco" ("The widow in white")
*"La Voràgine"
*"Loca Pasión" ("Crazy Passion")
*"Lola Calamidades"
*"Los Pecados de Inés de Inojosa" (The Sins of Inés de Inojosa)
*"Los Reyes" ("The Kings")
*"La Saga, Negocio de Familia" ("The Saga: Family Business")
*"Merlina, Mujer Divina" ("Merlina, Divine Lady")
*"Me Llaman Lolita" ("They Call Me Lolita")
*"Música Maestro" ("Music master")
*"Nadie es eterno en el mundo" ("Nobody is eternal in the world")
*"Nuevo Rico Nuevo Pobre" ("New Poor New Rico")
*"Oasis" (The Oasis)
*"Padres e Hijos" ("Parents and Sons") Colombia's longest Telenovela; Still on Air
*"Pasión de gavilanes"("Passion of Sparrowhawks")
*"Pecados Capitales" ("Capital Sins")
*"Pedro El Escamoso"
*"Perro Amor" ("Dog Love")
*"Pura Sangre" ("Pure-Blooded")
*"Puerto Amor" ("Port Love")
*"¿Quién amará a María?" ("Who will love Maria?")
*"Sangre de Lobos" ("Wolf's Blood")
*"San Tropel" ("Saint Tropel")
*"Señora Isabel" ("Mrs. Isabel") Original Version of the Mexican telenovela "Mirada de Mujer"
*"Solo una Mujer" ("Only One Woman")
*"Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso" ("Without Breasts There's No Paradise")
*"Todos Quieren con Marilyn" ("Everybody Is In Love With Marilyn")
*"Tuyo es mi corazón" ("My heart is yours")
*"Yo amo a Paquita Gallego" ("I love Paquita Gallego")
*"Yo Soy Betty, La Fea" ("I am Betty the Ugly")
*"Yo y Tú ("You & I")

El Salvador

*"Más allá de la angustia" ("Beyond the anguish")


* "Bianca – Wege zum Glück" ("Bianca – Roads to happiness")
* "Julia – Wege zum Glück" ("Julia – Roads to happiness")
* "Sturm der Liebe" ("Storm of love")
* "Verliebt in Berlin" ("Falling in love in Berlin", based on 'Betty la Fea')



* "Abrazame muy Fuerte" - "Hug Me Very Tightly"
* "Agujetas de Color de Rosa"- "Pink-colored Shoelaces"
* "Alborada"- "Dawn"
* "Alcanzar una estrella" - "Reach a Star"
* "Alcanzar una estrella II" - "Reach a Star II"
* "Al Diablo con los Guapos" - "To Hell with the Handsome"
* "Alegrijes y Rebujos" - "?"
* "Alondra" - "Lark"
* "Alguna Vez Tendremos Alas" - "Someday We Shall Have Wings"
* "Alma de Hierro" - "Mr. Hierro's Soul"
* "Amar Sin Límites" - "Loving without Limits"
* "Amarte es mi pecado" - "Loving You is My Sin"
* "Amigas y Rivales" - "Friends and Rivals"
* "Amigos Para Siempre"- "Friends Forever"
* "Amor en silencio" - "Love in Silence"
* "Amor de Nadie" - "Nobody's Love"
* "Amor Gitano" - "Gypsy Love"
* "Amor Real"- "Royal Love"
* "Amor sin Maquillaje" - "Love Without Make-up"
* "Apuesta por un Amor" - "Bet For a Love"
* "Aventuras en el tiempo" - "Adventures in Time"
* "Bajo la Misma Piel"- "Beneath the Same Skin"
* "Bajo Las Riendas del Amor- "Underneath The Reigns of Love"
* "Barrera de Amor" - "Barrier of Love"
* "Bodas de Odio"- "Weddings of Hate"
* "Cadenas de Amargura" - "Chains of Bitterness"
* "Camila"
* "Cañaveral de Pasiones" - "Sugarcane Field of Passions"
* "Carita de Ángel"- "Little Angel Face"
* "Carrusel" - "Carrousel"
* "Chispita"- "Little Spark"
* "Clase 406" - "Class 406"
* "Código Postal" - "Zip Code"
* "Colorina"
* "Cómplices al rescate" - "Accomplices to the Rescue"
* "Confidente de Secundaria" - "Middle School Confidant"
* "Contra Viento y Marea" - "Against Wind and Tide"
* "Corazón salvaje"- "Wild Heart"
* "Corona de Lagrimas"- "Crown of Tears"
* "Cuidado con el Ángel" - "An Angel With Caution"
* "Cuna de lobos" - "Cradle of Wolves"
* "De Frente Al Sol" - "Facing the Sun"
* "De Pocas, Pocas Pulgas" - "Of Few, Few Fleas"
* "De Pura Sangre"- "Of Pure Blood"
* "Dos mujeres, un camino" - "Two Women, One Path"
* "Duelo de Pasiones" - "Duel of Passions"
* "Dulce Desafío" - "Sweet Challenge"
* "El Amor No Tiene Precio" - "Love Doesn't Have a Price"
* "El Camino Secreto"- "The Secret path"
* "El Carruaje"- "The Carriage"
* "El diario de Daniela" - "Daniela's Diary"
* "El derecho de nacer" - "The Right to be Born"
* "El Extraño Retorno de Diana Salazar" - "The Strange Return of Diana Salazar"
* "El Hogar que Yo Robé" - "The Home I Stole"
* "El Juego de la Vida" - "The Game of Life"
* "El Maleficio" - "The Curse"
* "El Manantial" - "The Spring"
* "El privilegio de amar" - "The privilege of Loving"
* "El Pecado de Oyuki" - "Oyuki's sin"
* "El Precio de tu Amor"- "The Price of Your Love"
* "El Premio Mayor" - "The Major Prize"
* "El Vuelo del Aguila"- "The Flight of the Eagle"
* "En Nombre del Amor" - "In the Name of Love"
* "Entre el Amor y el Odio" - "Between Love and Hate"
* "Esmeralda"
* "Fuego en la sangre" - "Fire in the Blood"
* "Gabriel y Gabriela" - "Gabriel and Gabriela"
* "Gata Salvaje" - "Wild Cat"
* "Herencia Maldita" - "Cursed Inheritance"
* "Heridas de Amor" - "Wounds of Love"
* "Huracan" - "Hurricane"
* "Herencia Maldita" - "Cursed Inheritance"
* "Imperio de Cristal" - "Crystal Empire"
* "Inocente de Ti" - "Innocent of You"
* "La Casa en la Playa" - "Beach House"
* "La Constitución"- "The Constitution"
* "La Dueña"- "The (female) Owner"
* "La Fuerza del Amor" - "The Strength of Love"
* "La Intrusa" - "The Intruder"
* "La Esposa Virgen"- "The Virgin Wife"
* "La Fea Más Bella" - "The Prettiest Ugly Woman"
* "La Madrastra" - "The Stepmother"
* "La Mentira" - "The Lie"
* "La Niña de la Mochila Azul"- "The Little Girl with the Blue Backpack"
* "La Otra" -"The Other (Woman)"
* "La Pobre Señorita Limantour"- "The Poor Miss Limantour"
* "La venganza" - "Vengeance"
* "La Verdad Oculta" - "The Hidden Truth"
* "La Usurpadora" - "The Usurper"
* "La Traición"- "The Treason"
* "Laberintos de Pasión" - "Labyrinths of Passion"
* "Las Tontas No Van al Cielo - "Dumb Women Don't Go To Heaven"
* "Las Vías del Amor" - "The Paths of Love"
* "Lazos de Amor"- "Love Ties"
* "Locura de Amor" - "Crazy Love"
* "Lola...Érase una vez" - "Lola... Once upon a time"
* "Los Hijos De Nadie"- "Nobody's Children"
* "los parientes pobres" - "The Poor Kin"
* "Los Ricos También Lloran" - "Rich People Also Cry"
* "Luz Clarita" -"Clear Light"
* "Luz y Sombra" - "Light and Shadow"
* "Mañana Será Otro Día" - "Tomorow Will Be Another Day"
* "Mariana de la noche" - "Mariana of the Night"
* "María la del Barrio" - "Maria from the Ghetto"
* " Maria Isabel "
* "Maria Mercedes"
* "Marimar"
* "Marisol"
* "Martín Garatuza"
* "Mi Destino Eres Tú" - "My Destiny is You"
* "Mi Pequeña Soledad" - "My Little Loneliness"
* "Mi Pequeña Traviesa" - "My Mischievous Little One"
* "Mi Segunda Madre"- "My Second Mother"
* "Misión S.O.S" - "Mision S.O.S"
* "Monte Calvario" - "Calvary Mountain"
* "Muchacha italiana viene a casarse" - "Italian Girl Comes to get Married"
* "Muchachitas" - "Young Girls"
* "Muchachitas como tú" - "Young Girls like you"
* "Mundo de Fieras" - "World of Wilds"
* "Mundo de juguete" - "Toy world"
* "Mujer de Madera" - "Woman of wood"
* "Mujeres Engañadas"- "Women (Who Have Been Cheated On)"
* "Navidad Sin Fin" - "Neverending Christmas"
* " Niña Amada Mía" "My Loved Girl"
* "Nunca te Olvidaré" - "I Will Never Forget You"
* "Pablo y Andrea" - "Pablo and Andrea"
* "Pasión y Poder" - "Passion and Power"
* "Pasión" - "Passion"
* "Peregrina"- "Pilgrim"
* "Piel de otoño - "Autumn Skin"
* "Por Un Beso"- "For a Kiss"
* "Preciosa" - "Precious"
* "Primer amor... a mil por hora" - "First Love...for a 1000(mi)heartbeats per minute"
* "Por tu Amor - "For your Love"
* "Pura Sangre - "Pure Bood"
* "Querida Enemiga" - "Dearest Enemy"
* "Quinceañera"- "Quinceañera"
* "Ramona
* "Rebelde" - "Rebel"
* "Rina"
* "Rosa salvaje" - "Wild Rose"
* "Rosalinda"
* "Rubí" - "Ruby"
* "Salomé" "Salome"
* "Sandra y Paulina" - "Sandra and Paulina"
* "Señora Tentación" - "Mrs. Tentation
* "Simplemente María" - "Simply Maria"
* "Soñadoras" - "Dreamers"
* "Sueños y Caramelos"- "Dreams & Sweets"
* "Te Sigo Amando" - "I'm Still in Love with You"
* "Teresa"
* "Tres mujeres" - "Three Women"
* "Tu o Nadie" - "You or No One"
* "Un Gancho al Corazon" - "A Hook to the Heart"
* "Valeria y Maximiliano" "Valeria and Maximiliano"
* "Vanessa"
* "Viviana"
* "Vivan los niños" - "Long Live the Kids"
* "Vivir un poco" - "To Live a Little"
* "Volver a empezar" - "Starting Over"
* "Yesenia"
* "Yo amo a Juan Querendon" - "I Love Juan Querendon"
* "Yo Compro Esa Mujer" - "I'll Buy That Woman"

TV Azteca

* "Agua y Aceite"- "Water & Oil"
* "Al Norte del Corazon"- "To the North of the Heart"
* "Amor en Custodia" - "Love in Custody"
* "Amores... Querer con Alevosía"- "Loves... to Love with an advantage"
* "Azul Tequila" - "Tequila Blue"
* "Belinda"
* "Bellezas Indomables"- "Untaimed Beauties"
* "Besos Prohibidos"- "Forbidden Kisses"
* "Catalina y Sebastián"- "Catalina and Sebastian"
* "Cara o Cruz"- "Heads or Tails"
* "Cómo en el Cine"- "Like in the movies"
* "Con Toda el Alma"- "With all my Soul"
* "Contrato de Amor"- "Love Contract"
* "Cuando Sea Mia"- "When you're Mine"
* "Demasiado Corazón"- "Too Much Heart"
* "Dos chicos de cuidado en la ciudad"- "Two guys to be careful of... in the city"
* "El Alma Herida"- "The Wounded Soul"
* "El Amor de Mi Vida"- "The Love of my Life"
* "El Amor no es Como lo pintan"- "Love is not like what they tell you"
* "El Candidato"- "The Candidate"
* "El País de las Mujeres"- "The Country of Women"
* "Ellas, Inocentes o Culpables"- "Them, Innocents or Guilty"
* "Enamórate"- "Falling in love"
* "Golpe Bajo"- "Low Punch"
* "Háblame de Amor"- "Talk to me about Love"
* "La Calle de las Novias"- "The Bride Street"
* "La Chacala"- "The (female) Jackal"
* "La Duda"- "The Doubt"
* "La Heredera"- "The Heiress"
* "La Hija del Jardinero"- "The Gardener´s daughter"
* "La Otra Mitad del Sol"- "The Other Half of the Sun"
* "La Vida en el Espejo"- "The Life in the Mirror"
* "Las Juanas - "The Juanas(family)"
* "Lo que Es el Amor - "What Love is"
* "Los Sánchez"- "The Sanchezes(family)"
* "Marea Brava"- "Strong Tide"
* "Mientras Haya Vida"- "While there´s still life"
* "Mirada de mujer"- "A Woman's Glance"
* ""- "A Woman´s Glance: The Return"
* "Montecristo"- "Montecristo"
* "Nada personal" - "Nothing Personal"
* "Noche Eterna"- "Everlasting Night"
* "Perla" - "Pearl"
* "Por Tí"- "For You"
* "Rivales por Accidente"- "Rivals by accident"
* "Romántica Obsesión"- "Romantic Obsession"
* "Señora"- "Lady"
* "Sin Tí"- "Without You"
* "Soñarás"- "You´ll dream"
* "Súbete a mi Moto"- "Get on my motorcycle"
* "Tengo Todo excepto a Tí"- "I have everything but you"
* "Tentaciones"- "Temptations"
* "Tiempo de Amar"- "Time to Love"
* "Tío Alberto"- "Uncle Albert"
* "Todo por Amor"- "All for Love"
* "Top Models"
* "Tres Veces Sofía"- "Three Times Sofia"
* "Un Nuevo Amor"- "A New Love"
* "Vivir un Poco"- "To Live a little"
* "Vivir Sin Ti/Vivir Por Ti"- "To Live Without You / To Live For You"
* "Yacaranday"


* "Amor Descarado" "Shameless Love"
* "Amores... Querer con Alevosía"- "Loves... to Love with an advantage"
* "Cara o Cruz"- "Heads or Tails"
* "Contrato de Amor"- "Love Contract"
* "Corazón Partido"- "Broken Heart"
* "Daniela
* "Demasiado Corazón"- "Too Much Heart"
* "El Amor de Mi Vida"- "The Love of My Life"
* "El Alma Herida"- "The Wounded Soul"
* "Gitanas" "Gypsies" (co-produced with Telemundo
* "La Vida en el Espejo"- "The Life in the Mirror"
* "Ladrón de Corazones"- "Thief of hearts"
* "Los Plateados"- "The Silvers"
* "Marina"
* "Mientras Haya Vida"- "While there´s still life"
* "Mirada de mujer"- "A Woman's Glance"
* ""- "A Woman´s Glance: The Return"
* "Nada personal" - "Nothing Personal"
* "Tentaciones"- "Temptations"
* "Todo por Amor"- "All for Love"
* "Vivir Sin Ti/Vivir Por Ti"- "To Live Without You / To Live For You"


* "Linda Labé"
* "¿Cómo casar a Chente?"
* "Lagrimas de Diamante"
* "Pobre Millonaria"


* "Pobre Diabla" ("Poor Devil")
* "Luz Maria"
* "Leonela, Muriendo de Amor" ("Leonela, dying of love")
* "Cosas del Amor" ("Love Matters")
* "Cazando a un millonario" ("Hunting a Millionaire")
* "Girasoles para Lucía" ("Sunflowers for Lucía")
* "Besos robados" ("Stolen Kisses")
* "Carmín"
* "El adorable professor Aldao" ("The Adorable Professor Aldao")
* "Natacha"
* "Simplemente María" ("Simply Maria")
* "Travesuras del corazón" ("Pranks of the Heart")
* "Luciana y Nicolás" ("Luciana and Nicolás")
* "Me llaman Gorrión" ("They call me Gorrión")
* "Nino... las cosas simples de la vida ("Nino... The Simple Things in life")
* "Los de arriba y los de abajo ("Those Above and Those Below")
* "¡Qué buena raza!" ("Such a Race!")
* "Eva del Edén" ("Eve of Eden")
* "Hermanos Coraje" ("Courage Brothers")



* "Annaluna" (1989-1994)-ABS CBN
* "Mara Clara" (1992-1997)-ABS CBN
* "Familia Zaragoza" ("Zaragoza Family") (1995-1997)-ABS CBN
* "Sa Sandaling Kailangan Mo Ako" ("The Moment You Need Me") (1998-2000)-ABS CBN
* "Esperanza" ("Hope") (1997-1999)-ABS CBN
* "Marinella"-ABS CBN
* "Mula sa Puso"("From The Heart") (1997-1999)(re-run 2002)-ABS CBN
* "Luvs ko si Babe"-ABS CBN
* "Saan Ka Man Naroroon" ("Wherever You Are") (1999-2001)-ABS CBN
* "Valiente" -ABS CBN, GMA Network, TAPE Inc.
* "Rio Del Mar"-GMA Network, TAPE Inc.
* "Kirara"-GMA Network,1997 TAPE Inc. Co Producer Telemundo



* "Pangako sa 'Yo" ("Promise To You") (2000-2002) (re-run 2006)-ABS CBN
* "Sa Puso Ko, Iingatan Ka" ("In My Heart, Caring for You") (2001-2002)-ABS CBN
* "Sa Dulo ng Walang Hanggan" ("Eternal End") (2001-2003)-ABS CBN
* "Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay" ("How Long I Waited You") (2001-2003)-ABS CBN
* "Bituin" ("Star") (2002-2003)-ABS CBN


* "Sana'y Wala Nang Wakas" ("I Wish It Will Have No End") (2002-2004)-ABS CBN
* "Darating ang Umaga" ("The Morning Will Come") (2003-2004)-ABS CBN
* "Basta't Kasama Kita" ("As Long As I'm With You") (2003-2004)-ABS CBN
* "It Might Be You" (2003-2004)-ABS CBN


* "Hiram" ("Borrowed")-ABS CBN
* "Mangarap Ka" ("Dream")-ABS CBN
* "Sarah The Teen Princess"-ABS CBN
* "Marina (TV series)" - ABS CBN


* "'Til Death Do Us Part"-ABS CBN
* "Ikaw Ang Lahat Sa Akin" ("You are Everything to Me")-ABS CBN
* "Mga Anghel Na Walang Langit" ("Angels Without a Heaven") (2005-2006)-ABS CBN
* "Vietnam Rose"-ABS CBN


* "Sa Piling Mo" ("With You")-ABS CBN
* "Gulong ng Palad" ("The Wheel of Fate")(remake:2006)-ABS CBN
* "Calla Lily" -ABS CBN
* "Bituing Walang Ningning" ("Lackluster Star")-ABS CBN
* "Crazy For You"-ABS CBN
* "Maging Sino Ka Man" ("Whoever You Are")-ABS CBN


* "Maria Flordeluna" (January 2007)-ABS CBN
* "Natutulog Ba Ang Diyos?" (2007) -ABS CBN
* "Mars Ravelo's Lastikman" -ABS CBN
* "Sana Maulit Muli"-ABS CBN
* "Rounin" -ABS CBN
* "Walang Kapalit" (February 2007)-ABS CBN
* "Pangarap na Bituin" (September 2007)-ABS CBN


* "Sineserye Presents:The Susan Roces Cinema Collection
* "'Patayin sa Sindak si Barbara ("Kill Barbara In Fright")" (January 2008) -ABS CBN
* "'Maligno ("Supernatural")" (April 2008) -ABS CBN



*Vila Faia (1982), de Nicolau Breyner e Francisco Nicholson, RTP
*Origens (1983), (Origins)
*Chuva na Areia (1985), (The Rain on the Sand)*Palavras Cruzadas (1987), (Crosswords)
*Passerelle (1988), de Rosa Lobato Faria, RTP
*Ricardina e Marta (1989), adaptação do romance de Camilo Castelo Branco, RTP


*Cinzas (1992),(Ashes)
*A Banqueira do Povo (1993),
*Telhados de Vidro (1993), (Glass Roofs)
*Verão Quente (1993), (Hot Summer)
*Na Paz dos Anjos (1994), (In Heavenly peace)
*Desencontros (1994), de Nara Carvalho, Luís Filipe Costa e Francisco Moita Flores, RTP
*Roseira Brava (1995), (Briar Rose)
*Primeiro Amor (1995), (First Love)
*Vidas de Sal (1996), (Salt Lives)
*Filhos do Vento (1996), (The Children of the Wind)
*A Grande Aposta (1997), (The Great Bet)
*Terra Mãe (1998), (Motherland)
*Os Lobos (1998), (The Wolves)
*A Lenda da Garça (1999), (The Heron Legend)
*Todo o Tempo do Mundo (1999), (All the time in the world)
*Ajuste de Contas (2000), (The Reckoning)
*Jardins Proibidos (2000), (Forbidden Gardens)


*A Senhora das Águas (2001), (The Lady of the Waters)
*Ganância (2001), (Greed)
*Olhos de Água (2001), (Water Eyes)
*Nunca Digas Adeus (2001), (Never say Goodbye)
*Filha do Mar (2001), (The Daughter of the Sea)
*Anjo Selvagem (2001/2002), (Wild Angel)
*Lusitana Paixão (2002), (Portuguese Passion)
*Fúria de Viver (2002), ( Rage of Living)
*O Olhar da Serpente (2002), ( Snake Stare)
*A Jóia de África (2002), (Africa Jewel)
*Tudo Por Amor (2002), (All for Love)
*Sonhos Traídos (2002), (Betrayed Dreams)
*O Último Beijo (2002), (The Last Kiss)
*Amanhecer (2002), (Dawn)
*O Jogo (2003), ( The Game)
*Saber Amar (2003), (Know How to Love)
*Coração Malandro (2003), (Naughty Heart)
*O Teu Olhar (2003), (Your Stare)
*Queridas Feras (2003/2004), (Dear Beasts)
*Morangos com Açúcar (2003/2004/2005/2006/2007), (Strawberrys with Sugar)
*Mistura Fina (2004/2005), (Fine Blend)
*Baía das Mulheres (2004/2005), (Women Bay)
*Ninguém Como Tu (2005), (No one as you)
*Mundo Meu (2005/2006), (My World)
*Dei-te Quase Tudo (2005/2006), (I gave almost everything)
*Fala-me de Amor (2006), (Talk to me about love)
*Floribella (2006/2007),
*Tempo de Viver(Time to live)
*Jura (2006) (Promise me)
*Doce Fugitiva (2006/2007), (Sweet Fugitive)
*Tu e Eu (2006/2007), (You and I)
*Paixões Proibidas (2006/2007) (Forbidden Passions)
*Vingança (2007) (Revenge)
*Ilha dos Amores (2007), (The Island of Love)
*Onda Rebelde (2008), (Have Rebel) (New version of "Rebelde")

flagicon|Puerto RicoPuerto Rico


*El Derecho de Nacer (The Right to be Born)
*Entre la Espada y la Cruz (Between the Sword and the Cross)
*El Retrato de Angela (Angela's Portrait)
*La Divina Infiel (The Divine Unfaithful)
*Cuatro Mujeres (Four Women)
*La sombra del otro (The shadow of the other)
*La infamia (The Infamy)
*Cuando los Hijos Condenan (When the Children Condemn).
*El Hijo de Angela María (The Son of Angela Marie)
*El Rosario (The Rosary)
*La Mujer de Aquella Noche (The Woman of That Night)
*Conciencia Culpable (Guilty Consciense)
*Los Dedos de la Mano (The Hand's Fingers)
*Marcelo y Marcelina (Marcelo and Marcelina)
*Juan de Dios (John of God)
*Sombras del Pasado (Shadows of the Past)


*Cristina Bazan
*Mujeres sin Hombres (Women whithout Men)
*La Otra Mujer (The Other Woman)
*La Intrusa (The Intruder)
*Mami Santa (Mommie the Saint)
*El Retrato de Belinda (Belinda's Portrait)
*El Idolo (The Idol)


*El Amor Nuestro de Cada Dia (Our Love from Every Day)
*Amame (Love Me)
*La Jibarita (The Country Girl)
*Fue sin Querer (It wasn't on Purpose)
*Escándalo (Scandal)
*Rojo Verano (Red Summer)
*Modelos S.A. (Models S.A.)
*Vida (Life)
*Cadenas de Amor (Chains of Love)
*Coralito (Little coral)
*Karina Montaner
*Aventurera (Adventurous)
*Cuando Vuelvas (When you Return)
*Vivir Para Ti (Live for You)
*Diana Carolina (Dianne Caroline)
*Yo Se Que Mentia (I Knew He Lied)


*Señora Tentación (Lady Temptation)


*Dueña y Señora (Owner and Lady)


Media Pro Pictures

* "Numai iubirea" (2004-2005), (Only the love)
* "Păcatele Evei" (2005-2006), (The sins of Eva) []
* "Lacrimi de iubire" (2005-2006), (Tears of love) []
* "Daria, iubirea mea" (2006-2007), (Daria, my love) []
* "Iubire ca în filme" (2006-2007), (Love like in movies) []
* "Inimă De Ţigan" (2007-2008), (Gipsy Heart) []

Intact Production & La Dolce Vita Production

* "Secretul Mariei" (2005-2006), (The secret of Maria) []
* "Vocea Inimii" (2006-present), (The voice of heart) []


*"Marielena (1994 telenovela)" (1994)
*"El Súper. Historias de todos los días" (1996-99)
*"Calle nueva" (1997-2000)
*"El secreto" ("The secret") (2001)
*"El secreto II" ("The secret II") (2001)
*"Esencia de poder" (2001)
*"La verdad de Laura" (2002)
*"Géminis, venganza de amor" (2002)
*"Luna negra" (2003)
*"Obsesión" (2005)
*"El pasado es mañana" (2005)
*"Amar en tiempos revueltos" (2005-08)
*"Yo soy Bea" (2006-08)


*"A Calzon Quitao" (Removed Outerwear)
*"A Todo Corazon" (Every Heart)
*"Abandonada" (Neglected)
*"Acorralada" (Corraled)
*"Adorable Monica" (My Sweet Monica)
*"Alba Marina"
*"Alma Mia"
*"Amanda Sabater"
*"Amantes de Luna Llena"
*"Amantes" (2005)
*"Amor Comprado" (I Bought Myself A Love)
*"Amor a Palos" {Love to Friends)
*"Amor de Abril" (Love in the Month of April)
*"Amor de Papel" (Love Made Out of Paper)
*"Amor del Bueno" (A Nice Love)
*"Amor Mio" (My Dear)
*"Amor Sin Fronteras" (Borderless Love)
*"Amores de Barrio Adentro" (Inner-City Lovers)
*"Amores de Fin de Siglo" (End-of-Century Lovers)
*"Anabel" (Anabel)
*"Angel Rebelde" (Out-of-Control Angel)
*"Angelica Pecado" (Holy Sin)
*"Angelito" (Small Angel)
*"Ante la Ley" (Above the Law)
*"Asi es la Vida" (Life is This Way)
*"Atrévete" {I Dare You To)
*"Aunque me Cueste la Vida"
*"Bellisima" (Extremely Beautiful)
*"Besame Tonto" (Kiss Me, You Moron)
*"Bienvenida Esperanza" (A Welcomed Hope)
*"Boves, El Urogallo"(Boves, The Urogal)
*"Buenos Dias, Isabel" (Good Day, Isabel)
*"Calypso" (Calypso)
*"Camay" (Cambay)
*"Cambio de Piel" (Changing of the Skin)
*"Campeones" (Champions)
*"Cantare para Ti" (Would You Sing for Me?)
*"Cara Sucia" (Dirty Face)
*"Caribe" (Carribean Sea)
*"Carissima" (Charisma)
*"Carita Pintada" (Picture Face)
*"Carmen Querida" (Carmen, You Are Loved)
*"Carolina" (Carolina)
*"Cazando a un Millonario" (Wedding for a Millionaire)
*"Chao Cristina" (See Ya, Christina)
*"Chinita, mi amor" (Dear Chinita)
*"Cimarrón" (Cimarron)
*"Claudia" (Claudia)
*"Como Tu, Ninguna" (Nobody Else Like You)
*"Con Toda el Alma"
*"Contra Viento y Marea" (Against All Odds (Venezuela))
*"Cosita Rica"
*"Cuando el Cielo es Más Azul"
*"Cuando hay Pasion"
*"Cumbres Borrascosas"
*"De Mujeres"
*"De Oro Puro"
*"Destino de Mujer"
*"Detrás del Telón"
*"Doña Bárbara"
*"Dulce Enemiga"
*"Dulce Ilusión"
*"El Alma no tiene Color" (A Colorless Soul)
*"El Amor las Vuelve Locas" (Crazy In Love)
*"El Castillo de Hierro"
*"El Derecho de Nacer"
*"El Desafío"
*"El Desprecio"
*"El Engaño"
*"El Esposo de Anaís"
*"El hombre de la máscara de hierro"
*"El Pais de las Mujeres"
*"El País Perdido"
*"El Perdon de los Pecados"
*"El Precio de Una Vida"
*"El Primer Milagro"
*"El Sol Sale Para Todos"
*"Enseñame a Querer"
*"Entre Tu y Yo"
*"Entrega Total"
*"Estrambotica Anastasia"
*"Eva Marina"
*"Gata Salvaje" ("Wild Cat")
*"Guerra de Mujeres"
*"Hay Amores Que Matan" (Killer Lovers)
*"Hechizo de Amor"
*"Historia de Tres Hermanas"
*"Hoy te Vi"
*"Ines Duarte, Secretaria"
*"Juana la Virgen"
*"Jugando a Ganar"
*"Ka Ina"
*"Kapricho S.A."
*"Kiko Botones"
*"La Balandra Isabel llegó esta tarde" (The sloop "Isabel" came this afternoon)
*"La Comadre"
*"La Cruz de Palo"
*"La Cuaima" (The Cuaima)
*"La Dama de Rosa"
*"La Doña Perfecta" (The Perfect Housewife)
*"La Dueña"
*"La Fiera"
*"La Goajirita"
*"La Hija de Juana Crespo"
*"La historia de un Canalla" (A Coward's Story}
*"La Indomable" (The Undefeated)
*"La Inolvidable"
*"La Intrusa"
*"La Invasora"
*"La Italianita"
*"La Mujer de Judas" ("Wife of Judas")
*"La Mujer de mi Vida"
*"La Mujer Prohibida"
*"La Niña de mis ojos" (My Beloved Girlfriend)
*"La Novela de Pasion" (Passion Is A Soap Opera)
*"La Novela del Hogar" (The Homemade Soap Opera)
*"La Novela LM" (LM, The Soap Opera)
*"La Novela Romantica" (A Romantic Soap Opera)
*"La Pasion de Teresa"
*"La Posada Maldita"
*"La Revancha"
*"La Salvaje"
*"La Señora de Cárdenas" (Mr. Cárdenas' Woman)
*"La Señorita Elena"
*"La Señorita Perdomo"
*"La Soberana"
*"La Sombra de Piera"
*"La Tirana"
*"La Trepadora"
*"La Única"
*"Las Amazonas"
*"Las Gonzalez"
*"Las Nuevas aventuras de Fredericco"
*"Lejana Como el Viento" (As Far As The Wind)
*"Ligia Elena"
*"Los Amores de Anita Peña"
*"Los Ojos que Vigilan" (Spying Eyes)
*"Los Querendones" (The Lucky Ones)
*"Luisa Fernanda"
*"Luisana Mia"
*"Luz Marina"
*"Luz y Sombras"
*"Mabel Valdez"
*"Mama Trompeta"
*"Mambo y Canela"
*"Maria Celeste"
*"Maria de los Angeles"
*"Maria del Mar"
*"Maria Jose, oficios del hogar"
*"Maria Rosa, Buscame una Esposa"
*"Mariana Montiel"
*"Mariela, Mariela"
*"Marta y Javier"
*"Mas que Amor... Frenesi"
*"Mi Gorda Bella"
*"Mi Hermano Satans" (My Satanic Brothers)
*"Mi Hijo Gabriel"
*"Mi Nombre es Amor"
*"Mi Prima Ciela"
*"Mi Secreto me Condena"
*"Mi Vida Eres Tu"
*"Mis Tres Hermanas"
*"Morena Clara"
*"Mujer con Pantalones"
*"Mujer de Mundo"
*"Mujer Secreta"
*"Mundo de Fieras"
*"Muñeca de Trapo"
*"Natalia de 8 a 9"
*"Negra Consentida"
*"Niña Bonita"
*"Niña Mimada" (The Girl Who Copies People)
*"Niño de Papel" (The Paperboy)
*"Nunca te Dire Adios"
*"Olvidarte Jamas"
*"Pecado de Amor"
*"Piel de Sapa"
*"Pobre Negro" (Poor N*****)
*"Por Amarte Tanto"
*"Por Estas Calles"
*"Pura Sangre"
*"¡Que Buena se Puso Lola!" (How Good Lola Has It!))
*"Que Paso con Jacqueline?"
*"Quirpa de Tres Mujeres"
*"Reina de Corazones"
*"Rubi Rebelde"
*"Sabor a Ti" (The Taste of Your Lips)
*"Sacrificio de Mujer" (A Woman's Sacrifice)
*"Se Solicita Principe Azul" (Prince Charming is Hanging Around)
*"Secreto de Amor"
*"Selva, la Virgen de Barro"
*"Ser bonita no basta"
*"Silvia Rivas, divorciada"
*"Sobre la Misma Tierra"
*"Sol de Tentacion"
*"Soltera y sin Compromiso"
*"Soñar no Cuesta Nada" (Costless Dreaming)
*"Su Mala Hora"
*"Tinieblas en el Corazón"
*"Toda Mujer"
*"Todo sobre Camila"
*"Tormenta de Pasión"
*"Trapos Íntimos"
*"Tropico (telenovela)"
*"Tuya Para Siempre"
*"TV Confidencial"
*"Un Pedazo de Cielo"
*"Una Muchacha llamada Milagros"
*"Vidas Prestadas"
*"Viva la Pepa" (Pepa Rules!)
*"Volver a Vivir"
*"Vuelve Junto a Mi" (Return To Me)
*"Y la Luna Tambien"
*"Yo Compro a Esa mujer"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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