

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Ando

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Andō (安藤) is the surname of:
*Ando Kunitake, Japanese businessman
*Masanobu Ando, Japanese actor and film director
*Miki Ando, Japanese figure skater
*Tadao Ando, Japanese architect
*Momofuku Ando, Japanese inventor and founder of Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd.
*Natsumi Ando, Japanese mangaka (Zodiac P.I.)

Ando is the given name of:
*Ando Keskküla, Estonian painter
*Ando Tammik, Estonian-American character animator
*Ando (actor) was the entire credited name of a child actor in the 1975 film "Paper Tiger"

Ando as a place name:
*Ando, Greece
*Ando, Nara, Japan
*Ando, New South Wales
*Amdo, traditional Tibetan province (alternative transliteration)

Fictional characters named Ando:
*Ando Masahashi, a character from the television series "Heroes"
*Ando (Star Wars), a fictional planet within the Star Wars universe.

Ando is also:
*Ando (potato), a potato variety, common in Estonia.
*Ando Media, a company that provides digital content services for Internet radio stations.
*Ando (chronic smoke), a slang for marijuana

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