Ed Klop

Ed Klop

Ed Klop is a politician and business man from Red Deer, Alberta Canada born in 1967.

Klop is the President and Founder of Klop Construction based in Red Deer. Prior to starting his construction company, he was a dairy farmer.

He ran for the Alberta Alliance Party in the 2004 provincial election in Lacombe-Ponoka and finished second with 18% of the vote.

Klop has been actively involved in the Alberta Alliance provincial council serving previously as the Vice President of Fundraising for the party.

On September 28, 2005, he officially joined the Alberta Alliance leadership election as a surprise candidate announcing his candidacy eight days after the nomination deadline. Klop was one of four candidates in the race for leader, the other three are Marilyn Burns, Paul Hinman and David Crutcher. Despite an endorsement from outgoing leader Randy Thorsteinson, Klop was eliminated from the race on the first ballot. The leadership race itself was held on November 18 to 19, 2005.

Klop ran for President of the Wildrose Alliance party at the merger convention, he was defeated by Rob James. Klop will run as a Wildrose Alliance candidate for Red Deer South in the 27th Alberta general election.cite web|url=http://www.reddeeradvocate.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=107&cat=59&id=1142024&more=0 | title ='Stale-mach' government | publisher = Red Deer Advocate | date=January 22, 2008|accessdate=2008-01-28]


External links

* [http://www.campaignsecrets.com/alliance/party_news_detail.asp?id=250 Alberta Alliance media release Ed Klop September 28, 2005]
* [http://lacombeglobe.com/story.php?id=124593 Five candidates ready for Nov. 22 Alberta election Lacombe Globe November 2, 2004]
* [http://lacombeglobe.com/story.php?id=127070 Tories targeted during political candidates forum Lacombe Globe November 16, 2004]
* [http://www.edklop.com/ Ed Klop leadership campaign site]

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