Publius Villius Tappulus

Publius Villius Tappulus

Publius Villius Tappulus was a politician of the Roman Republic.

In 204 BC he was appointed plebeian aedile. In the following two years, he was praetor and propraetor in Sicily. In 201 BC he held decemvirate ("decemvir agris dandis adsignandis") for distributing "ager publicus" in Samnium and Apulia.

He became consul in 199 BC [Varro] and went to Macedon to take over the command after Publius Sulpicius Galba Maximus. However, before it came to major battles, he had been replaced by the next consul Titus Quinctius Flamininus. During 197 BC he was still in Macedon as a legatus. Year later he served as an envoy for peace negotiations with Philip V of Macedon [Titus Livius 33, 24, 7.] and Antiochus III the Great [Livius 33, 35 und 33, 39. Polybios 18, 48, 3 und 18, 50, 3.] .

During the "Cold war" with Seleucid Empire he served again as an envoy for Antiochos. [Livius 34, 59; 35, 13–15; 35, 23; 35, 39, 4–8.]

The only reference to him exists on the triumphal arch of Augustus, fragments of which are called the fasti Capitolini.


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