La Mistrine

La Mistrine

Infobox Album | Name = La Mistrine
Type = Album
Artist = La Bottine Souriante

Released = 1994
Recorded = 1994
Genre = Folk
Length = ??:??
Label = Les Productions Mille-Pattes
Producer = La Bottine Souriante
Reviews =
Last album = "Jusqu'aux p'tites heures"
This album = "La Mistrine"
Next album = "En spectacle"

"La Mistrine" is an album by La Bottine Souriante, released in 1994. It contains the popular song "Martin de la Chasse-galerie", which tells of a famous Quebec legend, and is performed in cooperation with Michel Rivard.

Track listing

#"Le Reel des Soucoupes Volantes"
#"Ici-bas sur Terre"
#"Martin de la Chasse"-galerie
#"La Mistrine"
#"Le Reel de la Main Blanche"
#"La Tourtière"
#"Le Reel Irlandais or Bees Wax, Skin Sheep"
#"La Complainte du Folkloriste"
#"Le Rap à Ti-Pétang"
#"Reel de la Sauvagine"
#"Dans nos Vieilles Maisons"

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