Gwo ka

Gwo ka

Gwo ka is both a family of hand drums and the music created with them, which is a major part of Guadeloupan folk music. There are seven rhythms in gwo ka, which are embellished by the drummers. Different sizes of drums establish the foundation and its flourishes, with the largest, the boula, playing the central rhythm and the smaller, markeur (or maké) drums embellishes upon it and interplays with the dancers, audience or singer. Gwo ka singing usually guttural, nasal and rough, though it can also be bright and smooth, and is accompanied by uplifting and complex harmonies and melodies. There are also dances that tell folk stories that are accompanied by the gwo ka drums.

Rural Guadeloupans still use gwo ka drums in communal experiences called lewozes; this is the most traditional manifestation of gwo ka in modern Guadeloupe. Gwo ka is also played at Carnival and other celebrations. A modernized and popularized form of gwo ka is well-known on the islands; it is known as "gwo ka moderne".
* [ Ecole de musique et danse Gwo ka CEFRIM (Gadeloupe)]

Zouk-UK: Gwo Ka In The Heart of The City
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Example of Gwo Ka in the street of POinte-a-Pitre in Guadeloupe
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