

A restavec (or restavek; from the French "reste avec", "one who stays with") refers to a social system in Haiti in which parents unable to care for their children send them to relatives or strangers living in more urban areas where they receive food and housing (and sometimes an education) in exchange for light housework. In reality restavecs often live in grinding poverty, enslaved to their "hosts" and seldom receiving an education. The restavec system is considered a form of slavery.

Jean-Robert Cadet vividly recounted his life as a "Restavec" in a book of the same name, published in 1998.

External links

* [ Haitian Street Kids Incorporated] - Charitable organisation providing shelter, guidance and food to restevecs
* [ Hope for Haiti: Education and grassroots development in rural Haiti]
* [ Life is tough: children in domestic labor in Haiti] - World & I magazine

* [ RESTAVEK - Legacy Betrays our Need for Healing] - Créole Connection
* [ Jean-Robert Cadet Restavec Foundation] - The Jean R. Cadet Restavec Foundation
* [ Restavek, The Weight of a Word] -
* [ Restavek] -
* [ Switchvert] - Switchvert Pty. Ltd.

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