Intersecting Storage Rings
- Intersecting Storage Rings
Hadron colliders
Caption=Some of the buildings associated with the ISR at CERN. The accelerator itself is beneath the curved, tree-covered hill that runs around the "outside" of the road.The ISR (Intersecting Storage Rings) was a particle accelerator at CERN. It was the world's first hadron collider, and ran from 1971 to 1984, with a maximum center of mass energy of 62 GeV. From its initial startup, the collider itself had the capability to produce particles like the J/ψ and the upsilon, as well as observable jet structure; however, the particle detector experiments were not configured to observe events with large momentum transverse to the beamline, leaving these discoveries to be made at other experiments in the mid-1970s. Nevertheless, the construction of the ISR involved many advances in accelerator physics, including the first use of stochastic cooling, and it held the record for luminosity at a hadron collider until surpassed by the Tevatron in 2004.
See also
* Timeline of particle discoveries
External links
* [ ISR startup]
* [ Early history of the ISR]
* [ of the ISR from above] - It's the large earthen ring with circular roads inside and outside.
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