AAD is a three-letter acronym that may refer to:

* Advanced Air defense, India's defense program to develop a multi-layer Ballistic missile defense shield.
* AAD Education, Health and Sports (formerly, Athletes Against Drugs)
* Administrative Accompanying Document, an EU document to control duties within the Union and member states.
* American Academy of Dermatology
* 7-Amino-actinomycin D (7-AAD), a fluorescent stain for DNA
* ASCII Adjust before Division, an Intel 80x86 processor instruction
* Associação de Activismo para a Democracia, a political party in Macau
* Australian Antarctic Division, which manages Australia's four Antarctic/sub-Antarctic stations, as well as Heard Island
* Automatic activation device, a "fail-safe" device often used in a parachute pack to automatically deploy the reserve if a predetermined altitude is passed at a high rate of speed
* Analog, analog, digital, a three-letter code for a CD that was recorded analog, mixed analog, and transferred digitally
* IATA airport code for Ad-Dabbah Airport in Ad-Dabbah, Sudan
* ICAO airline designator for Aero Aviation Centre Ltd. in Canada
*Armee-Aufklärungsdetachement 10 Switzerland's new SAS-type Special Forces unit, which is an all-volunteer professional unit with a rigorous selection process

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