Hofmeister lager

Hofmeister lager

Infobox Brewery
name = Hofmeister

caption = Hofmeister
location =
owner = Scottish and Newcastle

Hofmeister was a brand of lager sold in the United Kingdom.


In 1960's and 70's Britain, there was an increasing demand for the paler lagers found on the European continent. Some attribute this to the advent of package holidays and cheaper (therefore more popular) holidays abroad, where Britons gained a taste for the lager sold there.The continental lager at the time was stronger (>5%) and was sold in smaller quantities than the traditional British pint. Worried that British drinkers would not continue to drink in the same volumes that they had previously, Breweries reduced the alcohol content for the British versions of their lagers, resulting in the 'standard' 3.2% found in many lagers at the time. Hofmeister was one such lager.


The brand was marketed in the 1980s with a series of advertisements featuring a bear, George, with a shiny, yellow jacket and a pork pie hat.

Scottish and Newcastle lorries may still have Hofmeister "Follow the Bear" slogans on both sides.


External links

* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3188382.stm]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh6aqOR_XFo Watch two of the Hofmeister television adverts here]

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