Jacques Sabon

Jacques Sabon

Jacques Sabon (1535- 15901), born in Lyon, died in Frankfurt-am-Main, was a famous typefounder. He worked with Christian Egenolff in Frankfurt in 1555 and Christoph Plantin of Amberes in 1565. He is associated with the forms of roman type which were being developed by Claude Garamond and others. On Garamond's death, Plantin and Sabon acquired much of his collection of type, and it is sometimes unclear which were Sabon's own design, and which Garamond's. After Sabon's death, his widow married Konrad Berner.

The Sabon typeface designed by the German typographer Jan Tschichold (1902-1974) is named after him. Sabon typeface is based on the original letterforms of Claude Garamond and was created specifically to be used for three sources: foundry type for hand compositions, Linotype and Monotype.


# Sources vary, giving date of birth as 1580 or 1590.

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