RME is a German company that designs and builds audio hardware, including audio interfaces, analog to digital converters, and digital-to-analog converters. While the majority of their audio interface solutions are PCIbased as well as PCI-Express, they have recently released their first FireWire based system, the Fireface 800. Their products have been shipped with Nuendo, and were often rebranded as such.


Note: These are not complete product descriptions, and meant mostly as an overview of RME's products. The descriptions were derived from the RME website, which provides much more extensive descriptions of each.


The Fireface is an audio interface which connects to a computer by Firewire. The Fireface 400 is contained in a half width rackmount case and the Fireface 800 is contained in a full width rackmount case.

Fireface 400

8 x analog line I/O, 192 kHz/24-bit, 1 x ADAT digital I/O, 2 Microphone/Line Inputs with Preamps, 2 Instrument/Line Inputs, 1 x stereo headphone output, 2 x MIDI I/O

Fireface 800

10 x analog line I/O,192 kHz/24-bit, 2 x ADAT digital I/O, 4 Microphone Preamp/Instrument Inputs, 1 x analog line/headphone output, 1 x MIDI I/O

Hammerfall DSP

The Hammefall DSP is based on two components -- an interface card (either PCI or PC card) and one of several breakout boxes. The 9632, 9652, and MADI are completely contained on PCI cards, but based on the same core design.

HDSP Multiface

8 x analog line I/O, 96 kHz/24-bit, 1 x ADAT digital I/O, 1 x SPDIF digital I/O,1 x Word clock I/O (BNC),1 x analog line/headphone output,1 x MIDI I/O.

HDSP Multiface II

8 x analog line I/O, 96 kHz/24-bit, 1 x ADAT digital I/O, 1 x SPDIF digital I/O,1 x Word clock I/O (BNC),1 x analog line/headphone output,1 x MIDI I/O.

The Multiface II is based on substantially the same hardware as the original Multiface, but comes in a case with rack ears, and adds an analogue volume control for the headphone outputs.

HDSP Digiface

3 x ADAT I/O, 1 x SPDIF I/O, 1 x analog line/headphone output, 2 x MIDI /IO


2 x Analog I/O, 1 Microphone/Instrument input with level control, 1 x analog headphone output w/volume control.


MADI I/O. MADI is a serial Multichannel Audio Digital Interface standard defined by the Audio Engineering Society. Via MADI, the HDSP MADI supports 64 channels of audio I/O. With an addition breakout bracket, the HDSP MADI can also support ADAT I/O.

HDSP 9632

1 x Analog line I/O, 192 kHz/24-bit, 1 x ADAT I/O, 1 x SPDIF I/O, 1 Stereo headphone output, 1 x MIDI I/O

The 9632 is contained on a single PCI card, and supports several expansion devices for additional analog I/O, word clock, TDIF .

HDSP 9652

3 x ADAT digital I/O, 1 x SPDIF digital I/O, 1 x Word clock I/O (BNC), 1 x ADAT Sync In (9-pin D-type), 2 x MIDI I/O

The 9652 is contained on a single PCI card, with some I/O on a second PCI slot bracket.

Audio Acquisition and Format Converters

ADI-192 DD

Triple Universal Format and Sample Rate Converter 8 Channels, 192 kHz / 24 Bit


Hi-Performance 192 kHz/24 Bit 2-channel AD/DA-converter


Dual Format Converter - 8-Channel, ADAT / AES/EBU Format 24-Bit/96kHz


AD/DA Converter - 8-Channel, ADAT/TDIF Format 24-Bit


AD/DA Converter - 8-Channel, ADAT/TDIF Format 24-Bit/96kHz


Anniversary Edition - 8-Channel, ADAT/TDIF Format 24-Bit/96kHz


(Discontinued) Universal Format Converter - 8-Channel, ADAT / AES/EBU / TDIF Format 24-Bit/96K

=ADI-1= (Discontinued) 2-channel 20-bit 48 kHz SPDIF AD/DA Converter.

Mic Preamps


8 Channel Microphone Preamp, with digital output on 2 ADAT connectors, or 4 AES/EBU connectors


4 Channel Microphone Preamp, with balanced analog output on 1/4" jacks


8 Channel Microphone Preamp, with balanced analog outputs on 1/4" TRS jacks.

OctaMic D

An OctaMic with a digital interface added. Adds 2 x ADAT outputs, and a DB-25 connector for 4 x AES/EBU

ADI Series

ADI-192 DD

Triple Universal Format and Sample Rate Converter 8 Channels, 192 kHz / 24 Bit


Hi-Performance 192 kHz/24 Bit 2-channel AD/DA-converter


Dual Format Converter - 8-Channel, ADAT / AES/EBU Format 24-Bit/96kHz

ADI-8 Pro

AD/DA Converter - 8-Channel, ADAT/TDIF Format 24-Bit


AD/DA Converter - 8-Channel, ADAT/TDIF Format 24-Bit/96kHz


Anniversary Edition - 8-Channel, ADAT/TDIF Format 24-Bit/96kHz


(Discontinued) Universal Format Converter - 8-Channel, ADAT / AES/EBU / TDIF Format 24-Bit/96K

ADI-96 Pro

AD Converter - 2-Channel, 96 kHz, 24-Bitr


(Discontinued) 2-channel 20-Bit 48 kHz SPDIF AD/DA Converter

Legacy Products


Totalmix is an application written by RME that provides access to the internal signal routing matrix of HDSP and Fireface sound cards.

Coachz's Totalmix Notes

Totalmix is a basically a mixer with two input banks and one output bank. The two input banks are the Hardware Inputs and the SoftwareInputs.

* I/O: Hardware Inputs represent the signal coming in from your external hardware where Software Inputs represent the sound coming from your application like Cubase or Winamp. You can route any input to any output.

* Normal and Submix mode: The main mixer screen has two display modes, normal and submix. When the Submix button on the right is off you are in normal mode. When it is on, you are in Submix mode. In Submix mode, you click on a hardware output pair (in submix view), and all the faders show their routing for that output. Each output pair can have its own mix.

* Matrix mode: In Normal mode there is a drop down on the third row under each fader that allows you to select multiple output channels to assign the input to. Pressing the "x" key on the keyboard takes you to a third view called Matrix view. Matrix view allows you to see every connection at one time.

Normal View

To enable inputs, you do have to go back to normal mode and turn upthose inputs (top row)

The non-submix view lets you view routings for specific channels tospecific outputs, but i need find it necessary to use it.

The normal view show's the submixlevels for the 1:1 routing. So ifyou made a submix for hardware outputs 5&6, the normal view willshow the same level for software outputs 5&6. Btw. I always use thematrix to see what's going on.

Clicking in the routing box under the fader allows you to pickmultiple routing outputs. The fader/pan will change to reflect thevalue being sent to that route destination. I think!

ubmix View

You click on a hardware output pair (in submix view), and all thefaders show their routing for that output. Each output pair can haveits own mix.

When you select submix view, you can select a pair of outputs on row3, and ONLY signals routed to those outputs are shown on the upperrows. Personally, I find this simplifies things considerably.

If you are getting something at an output that shouldn't be there, ornot getting something that should be there, submix view will showyou why.

Submix sets all routing windows to the same selection. DeactivatingSubmix automatically recalls the previous view.

In this mode, all routing fileds jump to the routing pair just beingselected. You can then see immediately, which channels, which faderand pan settings make a submix (for example 'A1 7+8'). At the sametime the Submix View simplifies setting up the mixer, as allchannels can be set simultaneously to the same routing destinationwith just one click.

Changing to a different destination (output channel) is done in anyrouting field, or by a click on the desired output pair in thebottom row.

It is very easy to set up a specific submix for whatever output:select output channel, set up fader and pans of inputs andplaybacks - ready!

For advanced users sometimes it makes sense to work without SubmixView. Example: you want to see and set up some channels of differentsubmixes simultaneously, without the need to change between themall the time. Switch off the Submix View by a click on the greenbut-ton. Now the black routing fields below the faders no longershow the same entry (A1 1+2), but completely different ones. Thefader and pan position is the one of the individually shown routingdestination.

Default Setup

When executing the application for the first time, a default file isloaded, sending all playback tracks 1:1 to the correspondinghardware outputs with 0 dB gain.

Faders in the Hardware Inputs are set to maximum attenuation (calledm.a. in the following), so there is no monitoring of the inputchannels.

All faders of the middle row are set to 0 dB, so no matter on whichchannels a playback happens, the audio will be audible via theSPDIF output. Just try it!

Direct Monitoring

With ASIO direct monitoring (ADM), moving faders in Cubase will movethem in TotalMix

Faders / Post

When you pull the fader down to the bottom the routing goes away.

Think of the drop down channel list as being a rotary switch whichlets one fader be used as multiple faders, the selection dependingon where you've set the rotary switch.

The faders can also be moved pair-wise, corresponding to thestereo-routing settings. This can be achieved by pressing theAlt-key and is especially comfortable when setting the SPDIF andanalogue output level. At the same time.

TotalMix also supports combinations of these keys. If you press Ctrland Alt at the same time, clicking with the mouse makes the fadersjump to 0 dB pair-wise, and they can be set pair-wise by Shift-Altin fine-mode.

What I now realize is the input fader (and the playback faders too)are in essence multi-function faders i.e. you select what channelyou want the fader to be adjusting, and the other virtual channelswill not be altered. So, to adjust the bass guitar level at thephones output, I have to change the input fader (with the drop downlist at the bottom of it) to "analog". If I have also routed thebass to a number of outputs as well, then their levels will remainunaffected. If I wish to alter those too, then I have to changethe input fader to one of the other channels of the drop down list.


Click on the fader name label to turn it orange and select multiplefaders. They are now grouped. It only works in one mixer at a time.


The Matrix provides true mono and is very easy to use.

If you don't want to use the Matrix then use this workaround: useonly odd or even channels as effect send. You got lots of them, sothis is no limitation at all!

*Change gain: Ctrl-drag up / down

*Horizontal labels: All hardware outputs

*Vertical labels: All hardware inputs. Below are all play backchannels (software playback channels)

*Green 0.0 dB field: Standard 1:1 routing

*Black gain field: Shows the current gain value as dB

*Orange gain field: This routing is muted.


* Always on Top: When active (checked) the TotalMix window will alwaysbe on top of the Windows desktop. Note: This function may result inproblems with windows containing help text, as the TotalMix windowwill even be on top of those windows, so the help text isn'treadable.

* Deactivate Screensaver: When active (checked) any activated Windowsscreensaver will be disabled temporarily.

* Ignore Position: When active, the windows size and position stored ina file or preset will not be used. The routing will be activated,but the window will not change.

* ASIO Direct Monitoring (Windows only): When de-activated any ADMcommands will be ignored by TotalMix. In other words, ASIO DirectMonitoring is globally de-activated.

* Link Faders: Selecting this option all faders will be treated asstereo pairs and moved pair-wise. Hotkey L.

* Level Meter Setup: Configuration of the Level Meters. Hotkey F2. Seechapter 26.14.

* Preferences: Opens a dialog box to configure several functions, likePan Law, Dim, Talkback Dim, Listenback Dim. See chapter 26.10.

* Enable MIDI Control: Turns MIDI control on. The channels which arecurrently under MIDI control are indicated by a colour change of theinfo field below the faders, black turns to yellow.

* Deactivate MIDI in Background: Disables the MIDI control as soon asanother application is in the focus, or in case TotalMix has beenminimized.


The input meters are pre fader.

The output meters are post fader.


Upper row: hardware inputs. The level shown is that of the inputsignal and is fader independent.

Using the fader and routing window, any input channel can be routedand mixed to any hardware output (third row.)

Middle row: playback channels (playback tracks of the software.)

Using the fader and routing window, any playback channel can berouted and mixed to any hardware output (third row.)

Lower row: hardware outputs. Because they refer to the output of asubgroup, the level can only be attenuated here (in order to avoidoverloads), routing is not possible. This row has two additionalchannels, the analog outputs.

This card can be good for: * setting up delay-free submixes(headphone mixes) * unlimited routing of inputs and outputs (freeutilization, patchbay function) * distributing signals to severaloutputs at a time * simultaneous playback of different programs overonly one stereo channel * mixing of the input signal to theplayback signal (complete ASIO Direct Monitoring)

Naming Channels

The channel names shown in the white label area can be edited. Aright mouse click on the white name field brings up the dialog boxEnter Name. Any name can be entered in this dialog. Enter/Returncloses the dialog box, the white label now shows the first lettersof the new name. ESC cancels the process and closes the dialog box.

Post Send Mode

Dragging the faders by use of the right mouse button activates PostSend mode and causes all routings of the current input or playbackchannel to be changed in a relative way. Please note that the fadersettings of all routings are memorized.

So when pulling the fader to the bottom (maximum attenuation), theindividual settings are back when you right click the mouse and pullthe fader up.

The individual settings get lost in m.a. position as soon as thefader is clicked with the left mouse button.

As long as no single level is at m.a. position, the left mouse buttoncan be used to change the current routing's gain.


Presets are stored in /documents and settings/"your user name"/localsettings/application data/rme totalmix/

The preset buttons can get meaningful names in the same way. Move themouse above a preset button, a right mouse click will bring up thedialog box. Note that the name shows up as tool tip only, as soon asthe mouse stays above the preset button.

The preset button names are not stored in the preset files, butglobally in the registry, so won't change when loading any file orsaving any state as preset. But loading a preset bank (see chapter26.8) the names will be updated.

TotalMix includes eight factory presets, stored within the program.The user presets can be changed at any time, because TotalMixstores and reads the changed presets from the files preset11.mix topreset81.mix, located in Windows' hidden directory >Documents andSettings, , Local Settings, Application Data, RMETotalMix<. On the Mac the location is in the folder >User,, Library / Preferences / Hammerfall DSP<. The firstnumber indicates the current preset, the second number the currentunit.

This method offers two major advantages: Presets modified by theuser will not be overwritten when reinstalling or updating thedriver The factory presets remain unchanged, and canbe reloaded any time.

Restoring Defaults Mouse: The original factory presets can bereloaded by holding down the Ctrl- key and clicking on any presetbutton. Alternatively the files described above can be renamed,moved to a different directory, or being deleted.

Keyboard: Using Ctrl and any number between 1 and 8 (not on thenumeric keypad!) will load the corresponding factory default preset.The key Alt will load the user presets instead.

Preset 1 Description: All playback channels routed 1:1, monitoringof all playback channels.

Details: All inputs maximum attenuation. All playback channels 0 dB,routed to the same output. All outputs 0 dB. Level display set toRMS +3 dB. View Submix active.

Note: This preset is Default, offering the standard functionality ofa I/O-card.

Preset 2 Same as Preset 1.

Preset 3 Description: All channels routed 1:1, input and playbackmonitoring via outputs. As Preset 1, but all inputs set to 0 dB(1:1 pass through).

Preset 4 Description: All channels routed 1:1, input and playbackmonitoring via outputs. As Preset 3, but all inputs muted.

Preset 5 Description: All faders maximum attenuation. As Preset 1,but all playbacks maximum attenuation.

Preset 6 Description: Submix on SPDIF at -6 dB. As Preset 1, plussubmix of all playbacks on SPDIF.

Preset 7 Description: Submix on SPDIF at -6 dB. As Preset 1, plussubmix of all inputs and playbacks on SPDIF.

Preset 8 Description: Panic. As Preset 4, but playback channelsmuted too (no output signal).

Preset Banks Instead of a single preset, all eight presets can bestored and loaded at once. This is done via Menu File, Save AllPresets as and Open All Presets (file suffix.mpr). After theloading the presets can be activated by the preset buttons. In casethe presets have been renamed (see chapter 26.11), these names willbe stored and loaded too.

The preset buttons can get meaningful names in the same way. Move themouse above a preset button, a right mouse click will bring up thedialog box. Note that the name shows up as tool tip only, as soon asthe mouse stays above the preset button.

The preset button names are not stored in the preset files, butglobally in the registry, so won't change when loading any file orsaving any state as preset. But loading a preset bank (see chapter26.8) the names will be updated.

et Fader to Zero

When you want to set the fader to exactly 0 dB, this can bedifficult, depending on the mouse configuration. Move the faderclose to the 0 position and now press the Shift-key. This activatesthe fine-mode, which stretches the mouse movements by a factor of8. In this mode, a gain setting accurate to 0.1 dB is no problem atall.Cntrl click sets the fader at exactly 0.

et Multiple Channels

Often signals are stereo, i. e. a pair of two channels. It istherefore helpful to be able to make the routing settings for twochannels at once.

Press the Ctrl-key and click into the routing window of 'Out 3' withthe key pressed. The routing list pops up with a checkmark at '3+4'.Click onto 'Analog'. Now, channel 4 has already been set to'Analog' as well.

hortcut Keys

* F12, the cpu and disk meter

* toggle Matrix view X

* toggle visible or not for Input, Playback, Output, Submix I, P, O,S

* Fader Set to 0 dB Ctrl-click faders Set to -6dB for hardwareoutputs Ctrl-click faders Center pans Ctrl-click pans Fine ControlShift-drag

* Stereo Set faders pairwise in fine mode Shift-Alt Move faders orpans in stereo Alt-drag Faders jump to 0 dB pair-wise Ctrl-Alt-drag

* Presets......... Set Preset to default Ctrl-click on preset buttonLoad preset Alt-preset_number

* level meter setup dialog F2

* preferences F3

* toggle Mute Master M

* toggle mixer view T

* link all faders as stereo pairs L

* meters #Display range 40 or 60 dB Key 4 or 6

* Numerical display showing Peak or RMS Key E or R

* RMS display absolute or relative to 0 dBFS Key 0 or 3

* Numerical display selectable either Peak or RMS Hotkey E or R

* Measuring SNR (Signal to Noise) requires to press R (for RMS) and 0 (for referring to 0 dBFS, a full scale signal). The text display will then show the same value as an expensive measurement system, when measuring 'RMS unweighted'.

External links

[http://www.rme-audio.com/english/techinfo/hdsp_tmhard.htm Description of the hardware implementing the HDSP mixer] [http://www.rme-audio.com/english/techinfo/hdsp_tmsoft.htm RME's description of the totalmix software]


Digicheck is an application written by RME that provides real time audio metering and spectrum analysis. As of this writing, RME is extending it to support multichannel audio recording.

External links

* [http://www.rme-audio.com/ RME Official Homepage]
* [http://www.synthax.com/ Synthax, International Distributor of RME Products, Homepage]

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