Le Cuisinier Impérial

Le Cuisinier Impérial

A [lexandre] Viard's [A. Viard is described sometimes as André [http://auteurs.chapitre.com/page110/section54.html "Dictionnaire des Auteurs"] ] "Le Cuisinier Impérial" (Paris: Barba, 1806) was a culinary encyclopedia that passed through at least thirty-two editions in its long career as the essential reference work for the French professional chef during the nineteenth century. During its long run it was a staple of its publisher, Barba. Viard is variously credited with being "chef de cuisine" to Louis XVI and to Napoleon. The cookbook appeared under various titles that reflected regime changes: with the restoration of the Bourbons it became "Le Cuisinier Royal" (Paris: Barba, 1817) in its ninth edition, and in 1852, in its twenty-second edition, "Le Cuisinier National". The co-author Fouret appeared in editions of the 1820s. Its last edition appeared in 1875.

A German translation was published as "Viard und Fourets Universal-Kochbuch" (Stuttgart, Carl Hoffmann, 1827). [Subtitled "Ein vollständiges Handbuch der Kochkunst. Nach den Regeln der englischen, französischen und deutschen Küche. Für alle Stände. Nach dem Französischen der Herren Vicard [sic] und Fouret, Mundköchen König Ludwigs des XVIII. von Frankreich mit eigenen Recepten vermehrt von Catherina Löfflerin."] A second edition was credited to Catharina Löffler, "Pariser Kochbuch" (Stuttgart, Weise and Stoppani, 1829) [ [http://www.bsz-bw.de/depot/media/3400000/3421000/3421308/00_0437.html Gastronomia, note 3] ]

An earlier, unrelated cookbook with a similar name, François Massialot's "Le Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois", one of the first French cookbooks, consisted of recipes from Louis XIV's kitchens and marked the beginning of haute cuisine.



* [http://www.lib.k-state.edu/depts/spec/rarebooks/cookery/viard1817.html Kansas State University] : "Le Cuisinier Royal," Paris 1817.
* [http://terroirs.denfrance.free.fr/p/bibliographie/Catalogue_livres_cuisine_V.html Bibliographie culinaire]
*William Carew Hazlitt, "Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine" [http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/h/hazlitt/william_carew/h431o/introduction.html The "introductory" describes twelfth edition incorrectly dated 1805.

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