Viracocha (Inca)

Viracocha (Inca)

Viracocha (Quechua "Wiraqocha", the name of a god) was the eighth Sapa Inca of the Kingdom of Cuzco (beginning around 1410) and the third of the Hanan dynasty. His father was Yahuar Huacac, and his son was Pachacuti. His original name was Hatun Tupaq or Ripaq; he was named after the god Viracocha after having visions of the god. His wife's name was Mama Runu.

He was involved in the final struggle between the Incas and the Chancas (of modern-day Apurímac, west of Cuzco). Unfortunately, chroniclers differ on whether he was a hero or a coward. According to some, such as Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, his father Yahuar Huacac abandoned the capital under the attack of the Chancas; Viracocha defeated the enemy and saved the city. Others, such as Pedro Cieza de León and Juan de Betanzos, claim that Viracocha abandoned the city and that his son Pachacuti saved it.

One chronicler, Sarmiento de Gamboa, states that Viracocha was the first Incan to rule the territories he conquered while his predecessors were merely content with raiding and looting them.

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