

Isonade (磯撫で, "beach stroker") is an enormous, shark-like sea monster said to live off the coast of Matsuura and other places in Western Japan. When it appears, fierce winds blow.

Its body has never been seen, as it is always hidden beneath the waves, save for its huge tail fin which is covered in small barbs. It approaches boats stealthily and uses its hooked tail to snare sailors and drag them into the sea, where it devours them.

It may also simply use its tail to capsize boats, or strike the beach with its tail and kill people there.


*cite book
last = Mizuki
first = Shigeru
authorlink = Mizuki Shigeru
title = Mujara 5: Tōhoku, Kyūshū-hen
publisher = Soft Garage
date = 2004
location = Japan
pages = p. 79
id = ASIN 4861330270

* [ Kaii*Yōkai Denshō Database: Isonade]
* [ Bakebake Zukan: Isonade]
* [ Dictionary of Pandaemonium: Isonade]
* [ Yōkai Jiten]

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