Sequence — For other uses, see Sequence (disambiguation). In mathematics, a sequence is an ordered list of objects (or events). Like a set, it contains members (also called elements or terms), and the number of terms (possibly infinite) is called the length … Wikipedia
Polynomial interpolation — In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, polynomial interpolation is the interpolation of a given data set by a polynomial. In other words, given some data points (such as obtained by sampling), the aim is to find a polynomial which… … Wikipedia
Polynomial — In mathematics, a polynomial (from Greek poly, many and medieval Latin binomium, binomial [1] [2] [3], the word has been introduced, in Latin, by Franciscus Vieta[4]) is an expression of finite length constructed from variables (also known as… … Wikipedia
Sequence transformation — In mathematics, a sequence transformation is an operator acting on a given space of sequences. Sequence transformations include linear mappings such as convolution with another sequence, and resummation of a sequence and, more generally, are… … Wikipedia
Sheffer sequence — In mathematics, a Sheffer sequence is a polynomial sequence, i.e., a sequence { p n ( x ) : n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... } of polynomials in which the index of each polynomial equals its degree, satisfying conditions related to the umbral calculus in… … Wikipedia
List of polynomial topics — This is a list of polynomial topics, by Wikipedia page. See also trigonometric polynomial, list of algebraic geometry topics.Basics*Polynomial *Coefficient *Monomial *Polynomial long division *Polynomial factorization *Rational function *Partial… … Wikipedia
Appell sequence — In mathematics, an Appell sequence, named after Paul Émile Appell, is any polynomial sequence { p n ( x )} n = 0, 1, 2, ... satisfying the identity:{d over dx} p n(x) = np {n 1}(x),and in which p 0( x ) is a non zero constant.ExamplesAmong the… … Wikipedia
Q-difference polynomial — In combinatorial mathematics, the q difference polynomials or q harmonic polynomials are a polynomial sequence defined in terms of the q derivative. They are a type of Brenke polynomial, and generalize the Appell polynomials. See also Sheffer… … Wikipedia
Dickson polynomial — In mathematics, the Dickson polynomials, denoted Dn(x,α), form a polynomial sequence studied by L. E. Dickson (1897). Over the complex numbers, Dickson polynomials are essentially equivalent to Chebyshev polynomials with a change of variable … Wikipedia
Maximum length sequence — A maximum length sequence (MLS) is a type of pseudorandom binary sequence. They are bit sequences generated using maximal linear feedback shift registers and are so called because they are periodic and reproduce every binary sequence that can be… … Wikipedia