Bullous pemphigoid — A disease characterized by tense blistering eruptions of the skin. caused by antibodies abnormally accumulating in a layer of the skin called the "basement membrane." Can be chronic and mild without affecting the general health. It is… … Medical dictionary
bullous pemphigoid — ▪ dermatology also called Benign Pemphigus, a chronic, generalized skin disorder characterized by an eruption of serum filled vesicles (blisters). These vesicles form under the epidermis, the outermost, nonvascular layer of the skin, and … Universalium
Bullous pemphigoid versus — Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune disease that causes the chronic blistering of the skin. It typically has an onset of between 60 and 80 years of age, though it occasionally starts in childhood. It is characterized by blisters that usually… … Wikipedia
bullous pemphigoid — Form of pemphigoid (which also affects mucous membranes), in which blisters (bulli) form on the skin. Patients have circulating antibody (usually IgG) to basement membrane of stratified epithelium although the antibody titre does not correlate… … Dictionary of molecular biology
bullous pemphigoid — see pemphigoid … The new mediacal dictionary
localized bullous pemphigoid — bullous pemphigoid that remains localized, usually at a site on the scalp, trunk, or lower limb … Medical dictionary
Pemphigoid — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L12 ICD 9 694.5 … Wikipedia
pemphigoid — bullous pemphigoid; n. a chronic itchy blistering disorder of the elderly. The blisters most commonly occur on the limbs and persist for several days, unlike those of pemphigus. Pemphigoid is an autoimmune disease and responds to treatment with… … The new mediacal dictionary
pemphigoid — 1. Resembling pemphigus. 2. A disease resembling pemphigus but significantly distinguishable histologically (nonacantholytic) and clinically (generally benign course). [G. pemphix, blister, + eidos, resemblance] benign mucosal p. SYN: ocular… … Medical dictionary
Пемфигоид (Pemphigoid), Пемфигоид Буллезный (Bullous Pemphigoid) — хроническое заболевание, характеризующееся появлением на коже зудящих волдырей; наблюдается преимущественно у людей пожилого возраста. Чаше всего эти волдыри появляются на конечностях и сохраняются в течение нескольких дней, в отличие от волдырей … Медицинские термины