

Infobox Instrument

*Necked bowl lutes
*String instruments
*Angélique (instrument)
*Barbat (lute)
*Chitarra Italiana
*Đàn tỳ bà
*Electric pipa
*Irish bouzouki
*Tanbur (Turkish)

Setar (Persian: سه ‌تار, from "seh", meaning "three" and "tār", meaning "string") is a Persian musical instrument. It is a member of the lute family. Two and a half centuries ago, a fourth string was added to the setar, which has 25 - 27 moveable frets. It originated in Persia around the time of the spread of Islam and is a direct descendant of the larger and louder tanbur.The setar should not be confused with the Indian sitar, which is significantly different, despite the similarity of their names.

Notable "setar" players

* Mirza Abdollah
* Yusef Forutan
* Sa'id Hormozi
* Kazem Davoudian
* Ahmad Ebadi
* Abolhasan Saba
* Arsalan Dargahi
* Nur-Ali Borumand
* Ghashang Kamkar
* Mohammad Reza Lotfi
* Majid Derakhshani
* Hossein Alizadeh
* Jalal Zolfonun (Zoufonoun)
* Dariush Talai
* Dariush Safvat
* Kayvan Saket
* Mohsen Namjoo

Pamiri Setor (Tajikistan)

The Pamiri setor is playing in the eastern regions of Tajikistan. It is a much larger instrument than the Iranian setar. The setor has metal strings and is played with wire fingerpicks. It more resmbles the Uzbek tanbur or Indian sitar than it does the Iranian setar, though the name shares a common etymology.

The body of the setor is made like a dutar, with separate ribs. The soundboard is made of softwood, with soundholes drilled into it. The neck is wide and hollow, with a straight pegbox. There are generally 10 metal strings, including a few extra drone strings starting from pegs half way on the left side of the neck. The frets are wound-on nylon or gut. [ [ Music and Poetry from the Pamir Mountains Musical instruments] The Institute of Ismaili Studies.]

ee also

*Music of Iran


External links

* Setar []
* Setor []

Setar music samples

* [ Nay-Nava the Encyclopedia of Persian Music Instruments]
* [] (Setar Samples of famous players)
* [] (Setar)
* [] (Setar)
* [] (Setar)
* [] (Setar & Tonbak)
* [ Kereshmeh Records] They also have some discussion on the setar.
* [ Jalal Zolfonun sample accompanied with Daf]

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