

Blomfield is the last name of:
* Arthur Blomfield, English architect
* Charles James Blomfield, English bishop
* Edward Valentine Blomfield, classical scholar and the bishop's brother
* Francis Blomfield, English cricketer
* Francis Blomfield, English historian
* Reginald Blomfield, English architect
* Peter Blomfield, English Philanthropist, Bishop, Husband, Father

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  • Blomfield — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Arthur Blomfield, englischer Architekt Charles James Blomfield, englischer Bischof Sara Louisa Blomfield, anglo irische Autorin Edward Valentine Blomfield, Altphilologe Francis Blomfield, englischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blomfield — (spr. Blömmfihld), 1) Charles James, geb. 1785 in Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk; studirte in Cambridge, wurde 1810 Pfarrer u. 1819 Hauskaplan des Bischofs von London u. 1828 Bischof in London. Früher der Hinneigung zum Puseyismus verdächtig, bat er …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Blomfield — (Blömmfiehld), Charles James, geb. 1785, seit 1828 Bischof von London, der philolog. Welt durch die Ausgabe des Kallimachus u. einiger Tragödien des Aeschylus bekannt. in der Pairskammer Tory, sonst des Puseysmus verdächtig, bei Gelegenheit der… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Blomfield — This interesting name is of Norman French origin, introduced into England after the Conquest of 1066; it is a good example of the subsequent Anglicizing of foreign placenames to resemble native placename elements. Looking wholly English but being …   Surnames reference

  • Blomfield Street —    North out of London Wall at 86 (P.O. Directory).    Forms part of the boundary between Bishopsgate and Coleman Street Wards, the eastern side of the street being in Bishopsgate Ward and the western in Coleman Street Ward.    First mention:… …   Dictionary of London

  • BLOMFIELD —    bishop of London, born at Bury St. Edmunds; Greek scholar; active in the Church extension of his diocese (1785 1857) …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Charles Blomfield — Bishop of London Church Church of England Diocese Diocese of London …   Wikipedia

  • Arthur Blomfield — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Royal College of Music fue diseñada por Sir Arthur Blomfield. Sir Arthur William Blomfield (6 de marzo de 1829 – 30 de octubre de 1899) fue un arquit …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sara Louisa Blomfield — Lady Sara Louisa Blomfield (* 1859 in Irland; † 31. Dezember 1939 in London Borough of Camden, Vereinigtes Königreich) war die erste englische Bahai, die erste Bahai von Irland und die Autorin des Werkes „The Chosen Highway“. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Charles James Blomfield — (29 May, 1786 5 August, 1857) was an English divine, and a Church of England bishop for 32 years.Early lifeBlomfield was born on 29 May, 1786 at Bury St. Edmunds. Blomfield was educated at the local grammar school and at Trinity College,… …   Wikipedia

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