House of 9

House of 9

Infobox Film
name = House of 9

image_size = 200px
caption = Promotional movie poster for the film
director = Steven R. Monroe
producer = Sheikh Mohamed
Alastair Burlingham
Al Khalifa
Douglas W. Miller
writer = Philippe Vidal
starring = Dennis Hopper
Kelly Brook
Hippolyte Girardot
Susie Amy
Morven Christie
Peter Capaldi
Asher D
Raffaello Degruttola
Julienne Davis
Jim Carter
music = Mark Ryder
Charles Olins
cinematography = Damian Bromley
editing = Kristina Hamilton-Grobler
distributor = Bauer Martinez Studios
released = flagicon|France May 20, 2004 (Cannes Film Festival)
flagicon|US June 19, 2005 (limited)
runtime = 86 min.
country = UK/Romania/Germany/France
language = English/French
budget = $6,000,000 (estimated)
amg_id = 1:335577
imdb_id = 0395585

"House of 9" is a 2005 horror film directed by Steven R. Monroe and starring Dennis Hopper. The film was first released in France at the Cannes Film Festival on 20 May 2004, followed by a limited release in the United States.


The film commences when nine unconnected strangers realize that they are locked inside a deserted house. As they begin to wonder why they are there, The Watcher (voiced by Jim Carter) who's viewing everything on surveillance cameras hidden throughout, tells the house guests through an intercom that they've been brought there to play a game of survival for The Watcher's entertainment. The last person left alive after this game will receive an award of 5 million dollars.

Each of the nine people captive in the house try different methods of getting out but all attempts are doomed to fail. When they see no way of escape, the house soon turns into a killing fest, until the final survivor remains; unaware of the twist in store for them.


The film opens up with views of the mansion from camera screens, showing bedrooms, a kitchen, bathrooms,and a dining hall. These screens alternate with images of the 9 being kidnapped. The film then picks up with Lea, the heroine, waking up and finding herself in one of the bedrooms. She gets up and at first is confused, asking if anyone is there. Noticing others in the adjacent bedrooms, Lea begins to panic and runs to the main door, banging on it and shouting to be let out. when nothing happens, she runs to the windows and pulls back the curtains, only to find the windows bricked up. Going into hysterics, Lea runs all over the House, including down in the basement, where she finds a door that is bricked up as well. Going into a panic attack, she runs back to the front hall and breaks down, passing out on the floor.

Lea is woken up by Father Duffey, who is concerned about her. Jay, nearby, tells Duffey not to worry, because she'll be fine, as all she had was a panic attack. Lea looks around and sees (in addition to Jay and Father Duffy) 6 other people. As they all wonder what they are doing in the House, the Watcher's voice comes over the speaker, informing them that he has had them all brought them to the House to play a game. The Watcher then tells the 9 that all of their families and friends are being "taken care of" and that the 9 won't be found. The Watcher explains that it is no use trying to figure out where they are, or who he is: he chose them randomly: not based on who they are, but what they are. Finally, the Watcher announces that they are part of something like a reality show, only much graver. The Watcher claims that the winner of the game will be the last one left alive: to win, one must ensure that the other 8 "players" are dead. The winner is free to leave the House, and, as "compensation" for their participation, they will receive 5 million dollars.

After The Watcher stops talking, the players all start arguing about what to do. Several players get into arguments, and Jay and Father Duffy break them up. When discussing how to get out, They first try to use the dining table as a battering ram. When that fails, they break up and try to find other ways out. Jay, Duffey, Lea, and another player try to dig when they find what appears to be a hole in the basement, while 4 other players try to break through a trapdoor. Neither attempt works. The players come back to the foyer, where one player is sitting and drinking from a crystal bottle of wine.(In the house, there are two functioning bathrooms with water, as well as an upper foyer with a CD player and a wine cabinet, fully stocked.) One player argues with her, telling her she is doing nothing to help them. The other player shouts back, but they are interrupted by a noise from a small room like a kitchen, only without any food. In it is a small dumbwaiter, which opens to reveal some chicken and potatoes.

Taking the food to the dining table, the players, at first are ready to grab as much food as they can. However, Jay insists that they each only have one piece of chicken and one potato, and save the rest. As they prepare to eat, Lea says that she will give up her chicken, as she doesn't eat meat. One player, Shona, reaches over for it but Jay stops her, and divides the chicken into equal portions. he then gives Lea his own potato.

In order to break the silence, Father Duffey introduces himself, and has everyone introduce themselves in an effort to create a connection, saying that everyone can get through this.

Jay introduces himself as cop, and reveals he has a gun, but he says he will not use it.

Lea is a dancer. (Kelly Brook)

Claire is the player who wasn't helping the others find a way to escape. A tennis player and kind of self centered, though seems to be sometimes kind to others. (Susie Amy)

Francis is a musician who is also Cynthia's husband.

Cynthia is Francis's wife.

Al B. is a rapper who insists that he will win the game, wants Jay's gun, and believes everything said to him is intended to be a racial comment.

Shona is a drug addict, Shona has an ankle monitor which the other guests hope might lead someone to find them.(Morvern Christie)

Max is a clothes designer.

After dinner, the guests decide to pick bedrooms. There are 5 rooms with 2 beds each. The group decide that Cynthia and Francis, as a married couple, will get one bedroom, and Father Duffey, as a priest, will also get his own room. Al B. doesn't like this, claiming "I won't sleep with no white person" eventually, it is determined that Jay and Lea will share a room, as will Max and Al. B., and Shona and Claire (much to their disgust). Later, when everyone goes to bed, Jay and Lea talk about their families. Jay reveals he is divorced and has a 6 year old son. When everyone goes to sleep, an intruder sneaks into Jay's room to try to steal his gun. Jay prevents this, and along with Lea, runs out into the hall shouting. Everyone else runs out and Jay wildly starts shouting and accusing people. Al B. and Jay almost get into a fight. As everyone goes back to bed, since no one confesses to the attempted theft, Jay tells Lea that the only ones he trusts are Lea and Father Duffey: Lea because she was with him at the time, and Father Duffey because he was upstairs praying and would have had no time to run back after. While arguing, they hear a sound they believe to be coming from the main side of the main door. After making a lot of noise to try and get someones attention, Jay gives over the key to the wine cabinet.

In order to lighten their spirits, the players, except for Lea and Father Duffey, open the wine cabinet and begin to have a drink. Lea goes off for a walk, while Father Duffey goes to his room to pray. Jay leaves to sit on his bed, while Francis also steps out of the foyer, and, having pocketed the stopper to one of the bottles, breaks it in the bathroom, and pouring most of it into the top of the toilet, takes one large shard and hides it in the door sill for later use. Shona, Claire and Max get drunk and leave to go throw up. Meanwhile, Al B. and Cynthia, drunk begin flirting. Francis comes back and sees this, and runs at Al B. Fighting, the two men land on the couch, and as Cynthia tries to stop them as everyone else runs up, Al B. accidentally pushes her back, and she hits her head on the stone railing, breaks her neck, and dies. As everyone gasps, Francis runs over and begins sobbing, while Jay "arrests" Al B. and locks him in a room by using a pipe found in the basement. As he does this, the Watcher's voice comes on the speakers and reminds them that now their chances are 1 in 8 to win.

As everyone deals with the shock, Al B. screams in his room, telling Jay to let him out in an expletive laden rant. As father Duffey goes to let Al B. out to give him some food, Al B. bursts out and knocks over father Duffey, and he picks up the pipe. As everyone runs over to see what the commotion is about, Al B. hits Jay, who was taken by surprise, over and over again, beating him to a pulp. As Max and Francis wrestle him off, Jay, with his dying breath gives Father Duffey his gun. Al B. runs back in the room and shuts the door. The next day, after having taken Jay down to the basement, the 6 remaining players,(not counting the locked up Al B.) find more food (several plates as opposed to last times single one) and bottles of wine with a card that says "Good Work: 1 in 6". Confused, the 6 players run to Al B's room, and removing the pipe, open to find Al B. has hung himself. Shocked, Father Duffey and Lea stand in horror while the other players run back to grab as much food and wine as they can. Meanwhile, Francis begins to go through a mental breakdown out of sight of everyone else. he puts on his wife's lipstick and talks to himself. As Father Duffey goes to talk to Max, Shona and Claire get into an argument in their room, and Claire, in a fit of rage, stabs and kills Shona. Meanwhile, Francis(now completely insane) goes to the bathroom and finding Lea washing her face. Smiling sadistically, he punches the light into the sink, electrocuting and killing Lea (apparently). Hearing Claire's scream at having killed Shona, he (Francis) runs into the basement to hide.

Claire runs out to the foyer, and insists to Father Duffey and Max that she killed Shona in self defense. Father Duffey, fearing for Lea, runs off to find her, while the Watcher says "1 in 4 now". Claire turns to Max, and insists that if they work together, they can finish off Father Duffey and whoever else is left, then trick the Watcher and get out and split the money. Max agrees but begins undoing his belt: his condition is that Claire has to sleep with him. Claire, desperate to win, agrees. Max then quickly begins to strangle Claire with his belt. Meanwhile, Father Duffey finds Lea, and, while he begins to sob, is attacked by Francis. Duffey, pleading with Francis, eventually gets away by shooting Francis in the arm. As Father Duffey runs back to the foyer to find Max strangling Claire, because "she was stealing food". Begging Max to stop, Father Duffey finally shoots Max in the head, killing him. The Watcher shouts "1 in 3".

Back in the bathroom, Lea suddenly wakes up in time to hear the gun go off. She did not die and was only knocked unconscious. Terrified, she barricades the door and runs to the shower to hide, only to find the glass shards Francis hid in the toilet. She grabs one to protect herself, and hides behind the curtain. Back in the foyer, Father Duffey is asking Claire if she is okay when he gasps. Behind him is Francis, who stabbed him in the neck with his glass shard. Claire begins crawling away while Francis retrieves the gun, saying "only you left Claire." He pulls the trigger, killing Claire. Flushed with his victory, Francis begins shouting "I Win! I Win!!!!" over and over.

Lea, upstairs, tries to find a better hiding spot, but slips, making a thud. Francis, realizing that someone is left, begins to go upstairs. Calling out Lea's name. Lea hides under the bed and Francis walks in the room. as he stands around looking for her, Lea stabs him in the leg and runs out of the room. As Francis limply gives chase, Lea runs upstairs to the balcony, where Francis finds her hiding behind a couch. He tries to shoot her, but the gun is out of bullets. Screaming and crying, Lea tries to run away, but Francis grabs her. As they struggle, they fall over the edge, and Francis lands head first, dying instantly, while Lea only suffers a bruised shoulder.

Lea, crawling over to Father Duffey's body, gently retrieves the glass shard and wraps it up in her scarf, crying. As she lies on the floor in despair, the Watcher announces "Congratulations Lea, you win. I must say I am very impressed." The front door opens, revealing a bright light with a bag on the floor. Lea walks over to the bag and opens it. In the bag is the five million. As she picks up the bag, she walks out the door.

Alternate endings

The film has two endings, after Lea walks out the door.

In the first ending, Lea is knocked unconscious by a stranger as she is blinded by the sunlight outside the house. She later wakes up in bed, at her apartment, and confused, she sits up. At first she begins crying, thinking that everything was a dream. She then notices the bag and a small TV set hooked up to the wall, along with a tape. As she looks in the bag in shock, she finds the 5 million. She then plays the tape, and the watcher tells her, over a picture of the foyer in the house (all the bodies are gone and everything is cleaned up), that she just became a member of the world's most exclusive survival club, and he is very proud. The picture then goes to the bedroom, where there are 9 new people lying on the floor. The film ends with Lea staring at the screen in shock, with the watcher saying "Happy viewing..."

The second ending has Lea emerging out of the light into another House: an exact replica of the last one. In the foyer are 4 people watching her, each with their own bag of 5 million dollars. The camera zooms in on Lea, as she, grips the shard of glass through her scarf, a resigned and sorrowed look on her face, as a single tear forms in her eye.


* Dennis Hopper - Father Duffy [| Cast at IMDB] ]
* Kelly Brook - Lea
* Hippolyte Girardot - Francis
* Susie Amy - Claire Leevy
* Morven Christie - Shona
* Peter Capaldi - Max Roy
* Asher D - Al B
* Raffaello Degruttola- Jay
* Julienne Davis - Cynthia
* Jim Carter - The Watcher "(voice)"


The DVD was released on February 14, 2006 in the US.


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