

Koirala ( _ne. कोइराला) is a predominantly Brahmin(Bahun) surname of Nepal.

It can refer to:
* Krishna Prasad Koirala, the patriarch of the Koirala family
* Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala, Prime Minister of Nepal from 1959 to 1960
* Girija Prasad Koirala incumbent Prime Minister of Nepal
* Manisha Koirala, Bollywood actress
* Sushil Koirala, Nepalese politician
* Prakash Koirala, Nepalese politician
* Bharat Koirala, winner of the 2002 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Journalism

Koirala Family,The Koirala Family have provided many leaders of the Nepali Congress Party,and were instrumental in its 1947 formation.

Three Prime Ministers thus have come from the family,all brothers:

Matrika Prasad Koirala (1912-97) was the first Prime Minister after the fall of the hereditary Rana Prime Ministers in 1951.Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala(B.P Koirala) (1915-82) was Prime Minister but was forced into exile,and was known internationally as a leading voice for democracy in Nepal. Girija Prasad Koirala(1925-),five time Prime Minister after directly elected parliaments were restored in the 1990s and currently is the Prime Minister of Nepal.The next generation of the family are also active in Nepal politics

Manisha Koirala, also of the next generation of the family, was one of the biggest Bollywood stars of the 1990s.

Koirala Family of Nepal

Krishna Prasad Koirala, father of the present Prime Minister of Nepal GP Koirala

Krishna Prasad Koirala had 5 sons and 4 daughters

Five Sons:

Matrika Prasad Koirala - Served as Prime Minister Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala (B.P. Koirala) - Served as first democratically elected Prime Minister from 1959 to 1961 Keshav Prasad Koirala (Agriculture and expert in Forestry) Tarini Prasad Koirala (1923-1973), Journalist, Writer- Founded "Radio Nepal",the country's oldest and largest (now) state run radio station. Girija Prasad Koirala - Served as Prime Minister five times after 1990

Three Prime Ministers thus far have come from the family, all brothers:

Four Daughters:

Nalini Koirala ( Upadhyaya) - the oldest living sibling from her generation. Indira Koirala ( Acharya) - mother of Shailaja Acharya, a prominent senior politician of Nepali Congress. Vijaya Laxmi Koirala (Zaki) – daughter - dead She married a Pakistani diplomat Muhammad Akram Zaki. Zaki 75-year is now Senior Vice President in Nawaz Sharief's Party Pakistan Muslim League. Sauri Koirala ( Aryal) - deceased.

Matrika Prasad Koirala (1912-97)Matrika Prasad Koirala was the first Prime Minister after the fall of the hereditary Rana regime in 1951. Matrika Prasad Koirala, Prime Minister (1/2) November 16, 1951 August 14, 1952 Matrika Prasad Koirala, Prime Minister (2/2) June 15, 1953 April 14, 1955Matrika Prasad Koirala's wife : Manju Koirala belonged to a very noble background of brahmins from Nepal the Pokhrel. She was a social worker and freedom-fighter.

Children: Five Sons;Bimal Prasad Koirala - deceased was a school teacher and educationist,wife Binita,son Bikash Koirala an engineer is settled in Auckland with wife Ranjita and sons Anish and Adarsh.Second son Ashish Koirala is a reputed photographer with wife Poonam and son Apoorva.Second son: Kamal Prasad Koirala was a parliamentarian with the CPNUML,is at present he is situated in Seoul,South Korea as an Ambassador. His son Dr Kanchan Koirala is practicing medicine in the United States with wife Dr Regina Koirala, has a daughter Karina Dhana Smriti.Daughter Richa Koirala is married to Anil Adhikary also from a prominent background of Nepali Congress.Dr. Ajay Koirala's son Amit Koirala is the Chief of American Express Bank in Nepal, is married to Srijana Prasai Koirala who is a prominent business woman and runs an international school and travel agency in Kathmandu. Bijay Koirala married to Anita has son Anshu an engineer working for Sprint in Washington D.C, daughter Anisha completed studies in Hotel management and works in a prominent Hotel in Kathmandu .Sanjay Koirala- deceased,wife Pushpa Acharya also a daughter of ex-prime minster Tanka Prasad Acharya is working for the World Food Programm in Rome. Son Dipanker is pursuing higher studies in Boston.

Two Daughters: Sabita Koirala ( Aryal) Kavita Koirala ( Acharya), both deceased.

Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala (B.P. Koirala) (1915-82)B.P. Koirala was the first elected Prime Minister of Nepal, after Nepali Congress won three-forth majority in the First General elections in 1959, after fall of Rana regime. BP is regarded as the most respected democratic leader in Nepal and was known internationally as a leading voice for democracy in Nepal.

B.P. Koirala was married to Sushila Koirala (died 13th July 2007) and they had three sons and one daughter namely Prakash, Shri Harsha,Shashank and Chetana.

Prakash Koirala, a staunch Royalist - was a minister in 2005 King's cabinet. Twice elected as the Member of Parliament, as Nepali Congress candidate in 1994 and 1999, but supported the King and finally joined King's cabinet in 2005. Expelled from the NC Party for his support of the King's 2005-06 autocratic regime ( he joined as a minister). His daughter is a prominent Bollywood actress - Manisha Koirala. Prakash Koirala’s wife’s name is Sushma Koirala, and his son’s name is Siddhartha Koirala.

Dr. Shri Harsha Koirala, an engineer. Has always been active in politics but never held any position. Married to an Indian from Mumbai.He has a daughter, Avanti Koirala who is studying medicine and a son, Shreyas Koirala.

Dr. Shashank Koirala, the third son of B.P. Koirala who is a prominent Eye Specialist, Quit the job in 2005 and joined politics, Elected as CWC member in September 2005 Nepali Congress Party election. Shashank's wife Suphatra Koirala, a Thai national, is a famous Gynecologist in Kathmandu

Chetana Koirala married and settled in USA with her husband Praveen Dixit.

Keshav Prasad Koirala (1922-1974)Wife: Nona Koirala Nona Koirala, was living with GP Koirala and was a Central Committee Member, nominated by GP Koirala. She died in 2007 Jan 28.

Son: Niranjan Koirala, first marriage to Santosh Koirala (deceased), granddaughter of a chief royal preceptor (Bhada Gurju). Second marriage to Ila Dalmia Koirala (deceased), daughter of prominent Indian industrialist Ram Krishna Dalmia. Niranjan Koirala's two sons are Himanshu Koirala and Bhaskar Koirala (married to Juna Maya Panday).

Son: Dr. Shekhar Koirala is close Girija Koirala aide and is also a NC, Central Committee Member, nominated by GP Koirala.

Tarini Koirala (1923-1973)Tarini Prasad Koirala Journalist, Writer, served in Radio Nepal also.

Wife: Rosa Koirala Son: Jyoti Koirala, a Graduate in Mech. Engineer, with two daughters Megha & Pooja. Jyoti Koirala: A NC General Convention (Maha Samiti) Member two times representing from Kathmandu constuent No.1. Has always been active in politics but never held any position.

Jyoti Koirala's wife Indira Koirala: A NC General Convention (Maha Samiti) Member

Daughter: Kalpana Koirala -deceased Kalpana Koirala was married to Laxman Basnet Laxman Basnet, is currently President of Nepal Trade Union Congress (NTUC)

Girija Prasad Koirala (b. 1925)Girija Prasad Koirala, Five-time Prime Minister of Nepal, after fall of the Panchayat System and restoration of Democracy through a popular movement in 1990s. He is currently the undisputed and towering leader of Nepali Congress Party as well as of the democratic forces of Nepal. Presently he is the head of the state under the interim constitution of Nepal.

Wife:Sushma Koirala - died of a kerosene stove burst

Daughter: Sujata Koirala - only biological child

Adopted son: Suresh Koirala runs a printing press - lesser known in political circles

Sujata Koirala is NC, Central Committee Member, and Chief of the party's Foreign Relations Department

Sujata Koirala is married to a German national, Sujata runs Sushma Koirala Memorial Trust, which is working to highlight the plight of Nepalese women.

Nona Koirala, wife of Koirala's younger brother Keshav Koirala, lived with Girija Koirala, was a NC, Central Committee Member nominated by GP Koirala before she died on January 28 2007.

GP was appointed as Prime Minister five times including the present one

Girija Prasad Koirala (1/5) May 26, 1991 November 30, 1994 Girija Prasad Koirala (2/5) April 15, 1998 August 25, 1998 Girija Prasad Koirala (3/5) August 26, 1998 May 31, 1999 Girija Prasad Koirala (4/5) March 22, 2000 July 26, 2001 Girija Prasad Koirala (5/5) April 25, 2006

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