- John C. Reynolds
John C. Reynolds is an American
computer scientist (bornJune 1 ,1935 ).John Reynolds studied at
Purdue University and then earned aPhD intheoretical physics fromHarvard University in 1961. He was Professor ofInformation science atSyracuse University from 1970 to 1986. Since then he has been Professor of Computer Science atCarnegie Mellon University . He has held visiting positions atAarhus University (Denmark ),University of Edinburgh ,Imperial College London ,Microsoft Research (Cambridge ) andQueen Mary, University of London (UK).Reynolds' main research interest is in the area of
programming language design and associatedspecification language s, especially concerning formalsemantics . He discoveredpolymorphic lambda calculus and formulated the property of semanticparametricity ; the same calculus was independently discovered byJean-Yves Girard . He wrote a seminal paper ondefinitional interpreters , which clarified early work oncontinuations and introduced the technique ofdefunctionalization . He defined the programming languages Gedanken and Forsythe. He has worked on aseparation logic to describe and reason about shared mutabledata structure s.He has been an editor of journals such as the
Communications of the ACM and theJournal of the ACM . In 2001, he was appointed a Fellow of the ACM. He won theACM SIGPLAN Programming Language Achievement Award in 2003.Books
* "Theories of Programming Languages",
Cambridge University Press , 1998. ISBN 0-521-59414-6
* "The Craft of Programming",Prentice Hall International, 1981. ISBN 0-13-188862-5External links
* [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jcr/ Home page]
* [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jcr/vita.ps Curriculum Vitae] (PostScript format)
* [http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/r/Reynolds:John_C=.html DBLP publications]
* [http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/tcs/tcs375.html Festschrift for his 70th birthday] , edited byOlivier Danvy ,Peter O'Hearn andPhilip Wadler
*" [http://vmoc.museophile.org/pvs04/ Program Verification and Semantics: Further Work] " (London, 2004)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.